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Guest lamper/gatherer

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:cry::cry: Such tragic news, my thought's are with his wife and family :cry::cry:


R.I.P Lamper Gatherer :cry:


I'm not the most emotional guy in the wold but that has shook me to the core.

When I look back on L/G's last post I guess it all falls into place. The poor fella must have been scared when he said goodbye.


Is there any way that the good people on this forum could raise a few quid for his family - even if its just to buy

a nice lurcher shaped wreath for the guy?


Beannachd leat L/G (goodbye) :drink:





im in for that :victory:





Me too!! :cry:



:cry::cry: Just read through this thread in full, and took a look back at L/G old posts.......So tragic that this has happened :cry:


I would like to also add that my thoughts are with his faithful dog/s too, they will be pining so much for their master so much!!!!.......... :cry:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Ok you people; Let's SHOW some Solidarity and Sympathy here, PLEASE!


One Of Us has been lost. To us and his Family at home. Now let's show what we're Really all about. Ian has agreed to the idea mooted by Dave2363. We now have a PayPal address to Pour it into. I've just this minute got word from Ian and have lined the pot. Now let's FILL IT!


This guy's left a widow. He can't 'Lamp and Gather' for her any more. So let's Us show her the kind of people we are. The kind of person He was. Hunters Unite! Let's give one of our own a Real Hunters Send Off!


Get ye plastic out, guys and gals. Mark ye donation " Lamper / Gatherer " and send it Now, via ye PayPal accounts to: admin@thehuntinglife.com


Anyone without a PayPal account, just have a word with Ian or I. I'll take care of Eire. I have an address ye can send cash Euro's to and I'll have Ian send ye notification that I've used my own PP account to foreward the money on in your name.


Let's Do It!

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One Of Us has been lost. To us and his Family at home. Now let's show what we're Really all about. Ian has agreed to the idea mooted by Dave2363. We now have a PayPal address to Pour it into. I've just this minute got word from Ian and have lined the pot. Now let's FILL IT!


This guy's left a widow. He can't 'Lamp and Gather' for her any more. So let's Us show her the kind of people we are. The kind of person He was. Hunters Unite! Let's give one of our own a Real Hunters Send Off!




Here here Ditch!!!!


Everyone should dig deep for this cause!!!!!


Instead of your pint at the pub over the weekend, put the cash to a worthwhile cause.........Anything is better than nothing!!



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