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throats tern to summer

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the running season is over fore most of us .with the clocks going back this week end and the knights getting liter. I start to think of getting the gill net and the long lines out of their sacks .I will need to replace all the aold hook with new . This is a job in it self as their are 100 hooks on each line we have 2 lines Then on the gill net the net will need checking fore holes and bra did lines This said once every this OK its of to the beech dogs an all.the dogs love the beech as it gives them the freedom to have a good gallop about Will we dig fore bait the beech helps the dogs feet it tightens keeping them in good order ounce the nets are set and long lines dated up its back to the fore shore .the bar bi is fired up and the tines unzip .We sit round the camp fire having the crack until Darn . We try to time it so the net is uncovered sum where around 4 or 5 in the morning As the dawn is creeping in we start to walk out with the ebbing tide hopeful to catch a glimpse of what is in the net or on the lines On good tide we may catch bass sea trout tope dog fish .The best of the catch we keep fore aw er selves but the dog fish and the tope are fore the dogs thees are gutted on the beech then taken home . cut the fish into chunks that will fit into perisher cooker skin and all Cook until they are much .Allow to cool then portion up fore each dogs needs. this makes a good summer food sources as it is high in protein witch keeps musels in god trim it all so acts as blood coolant the lads with the trail hounds feed this in summer when they are running their hounds Thy all so feed pike but this has Vere fine bones and must be checked Vere thoroughly So boys and girls just because is summer it dusent stop us having the crak with the dogs

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