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Another visit from dog thieves

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everyone knows its travellers TIT,my son confronted them today and they made it quiet obvious who they were,I am not biased on any race/creed but im finding it fukin hard to say something good about t


sure they not niggers,arabs or half breeds   Goldfinch,I know from reading your past posts your a traveller,right do me a favour and say outright what these scum are doing is out of order,I am 100%

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Quite funny really listening to all the hard men when really they would have a change of mind once it came to the crunch , instead of listening to the idiots saying shoot them and all this shite .......

just get real mate - make the kennels like fortknocks , make sure gates are padlocked ( if you have any ) , stick an alarm on the kennels so it wakes the whole estate up .

theres alot you could do to make it safer . If it comes to it and you end up by yourself with both of them just do whatever youve got to do , i would quickly phone the cops first and then go out just incase you get k.od then they take your dogs , atleast you know theres somebody looking for them whilst your asleep on the grass :victory:


...you shouldnt really have to do any of that but its just the way things are these days hope they dont get your dogs mate

Edited by SLiP tHe DoG !
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the young lad got his mother to ring the cops straight away,they were up in no time,very fast for a change.Marty unless I move the family out then I cant do it.SFA I dont think theres anywhere safe from these scum,they seem to know anyone whos anyone with dogs.I have 2 locks on every gate,locks on the entrance gates and an alarm is on order.I didnt sleep too well last night im fekin wrecked here,lol.Im going to hang about home today just in case they try again but its a bollix I cant go about my buisness without having this on the back of my mind constantly.

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Well me personally,i would,nt be sat on a computer looking for sympathy,id be taking steps,getting organised and waiting for the scum to come back.

Shut the fuk up you prick,Im not looking for sympathy,get organised,lol.with what.Since im Irish I should have an easy supply of SEMTEX and booby trap the yard.These scum appear at different times,I cant be siting at home like a psycho waiting with a nervous twitch for them to return.

keep strong pal when the shepherd is older he'll do the rest. :thumbs:



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jigsaw; try and relax a little bit, it wont do you or your family much good if you let the stress of this eat away at you

just a thought, do u have any neighbours close who can handle themselves who are at home during the day you could chat to@

might be handy for the mrs and ur younguns if they have someone to call who is only a stonethrow away

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Is there no way a friend could keep some of your dogs untill it all blows over?

I know if I was about to get turned over the first thing I would do is move my dogs, or at least my most valued ones anyway.


I hope everything works out for you mate, must be a horrible feeling.

And I agree now is not the time for macho heroics.

Goldfinch give yourself a shake, you cannot possibly defend the fact your community is rife with dog thieves and you do sweet FA about it.



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if you value your dogs believe you will make the room

WTF!!!,,,,,,he's got 8 dogs ffs.... :wallbash:

Jigsaw........This makes terrible reading mate.....everytime i look i'm expecting you too say they've took some dogs. I really hope you have enough security to keep your dogs safe mate. If you know roughly who may nick the dogs i think you should get yourself down there, expalin your not interested in any wars starting and too please stop coming around your house. If thats not enough to stop them mate and you loose any dogs then get your money out and pay to get it sorted permenantly....... :thumbs:

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if you value your dogs believe you will make the room

WTF!!!,,,,,,he's got 8 dogs ffs.... :wallbash:

Jigsaw........This makes terrible reading mate.....everytime i look i'm expecting you too say they've took some dogs. I really hope you have enough security to keep your dogs safe mate. If you know roughly who may nick the dogs i think you should get yourself down there, expalin your not interested in any wars starting and too please stop coming around your house. If thats not enough to stop them mate and you loose any dogs then get your money out and pay to get it sorted permenantly....... :thumbs:


2 in the bed then one in each room.Easy FFS!


Somereally f*****g stupid replies on this thread. The guys after advice and support and he gets jumped on by the 'league against cruel p***y bashing'



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if you value your dogs believe you will make the room

WTF!!!,,,,,,he's got 8 dogs ffs.... :wallbash:

Jigsaw........This makes terrible reading mate.....everytime i look i'm expecting you too say they've took some dogs. I really hope you have enough security to keep your dogs safe mate. If you know roughly who may nick the dogs i think you should get yourself down there, expalin your not interested in any wars starting and too please stop coming around your house. If thats not enough to stop them mate and you loose any dogs then get your money out and pay to get it sorted permenantly....... :thumbs:



I agree. Show them that you aint afraid and a face to face DISCUSSION not confrontation might be all thats needed.


If there is no reasoning with them then take it further.



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