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get a trip out like been said is the best bet. as for gear a spade a locater and some good quality nets dont buy cheap nylon nets they will hinder you from the off loads of net makers on here that will do you good deals. as for the time of year i started end of september but cover is still high now it depends on where you are and the climate to a large extent it used to be said only ferret when there is an R in the month but nowadays its usually october/november through till march. the age at which to take kits out is dependent on the kits themselves but i would usually like them to be about 5 months old and then bring them on slowly starting off on a few small warrens and dont be in a rush with them they need to learn as do you there are some good books about that go into things a lot better than can be posted on here i found the whitehead book a good read and pretty much covers most things


atb with things muddy

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