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open license

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Thames Valley grant you an open ticket upon renewal at 5 years. However, if there is evidence that an fac holder has been requesting info regarding different land and what it is cleared for, then at 3 years you can apply for your ticket to be opened.




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Proactively get evidence of your use of rifle, evidence witnesses who can verify where and when, and that you have an exemplary understanding of range, ricochet, and backstop, and you shouldn't,t have a problem after 6 months. What goes in favour of the licensing officer,is the usual request with no evidence!

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As tegater says.

Got my fac about 3 years ago for lr And .17 hmr after 5 months I applied for open condition and was turned down due to being apparently new to this. I didn't agree as I had shot for lots of years and had held my sgc since 18.I wrote back explaining how I thought safety was paramount and Basicly explained ricochet back stops.all the usual stuff,I was then opened no problem got my ticket back the same week with conditions removed. Since then I got a .223 but will not get it opened till after two years.their words not mine. On the second year now but my renewal is only two years away so will probably wait ,as they told me the 223 will automatically become open on this renewal.


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As tegater says.

Got my fac about 3 years ago for lr And .17 hmr after 5 months I applied for open condition and was turned down due to being apparently new to this. I didn't agree as I had shot for lots of years and had held my sgc since 18.I wrote back explaining how I thought safety was paramount and Basicly explained ricochet back stops.all the usual stuff,I was then opened no problem got my ticket back the same week with conditions removed. Since then I got a .223 but will not get it opened till after two years.their words not mine. On the second year now but my renewal is only two years away so will probably wait ,as they told me the 223 will automatically become open on this renewal.


i just got them out 4/5 times a week to approve land in the end they asked me to apply for one :laugh:

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I got mine opened after about 6 months but I didn't ask for it to be opened.


Each time I got a new peice of land I wrote to the police and gave them the details and the permission letter (I had about 7 farms I had permission to shoot over probably 7-8000acres). When I put in for a variation for my a 17HMR (I had two .22's and a 22.250 on my ticket at the time) and the FEO came round to see me for the variation he told me that when I got my Ticket back it would be opened.


I live in kent and I have to say, other than tickets sometime taking a while to come back (it alway feels like ages anyway!) I think the Kent Police and certainly my FEO (who is himself a keen shot) take a very pragmatic sensible approach to fire arms law, as long as the applicant is reasonable they deal with it in a very sensible and helpfull manner.


A friend of mine in a neighbouring county has a different FEO and his interpretation of the legislation is completly differnet and not anywhere like as level headed as the manner in which I have been dealt with.


Having said all that, if you are not taking on new land all the time and are shooting on the same farms/land why do you need an open ticket anyway?




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I think its all to do with how each individual comes across at the interview stage


I asked for 3 things, more ammo storage, a section 1 shotgun, and got turned down on both, but also asked for an open ticket on first application, and gave good evidence of my need for one (yet only had permission on one piece of land), low and behold, I got my open ticket

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Personally ,i do not agree with a novice to centre fires having an open ticket too soon .They are a world apart from a .22 rimfire and totally removed from a shotgun .I had an open ticket from the off with a .222 and was amazed to see what it could do ,all within the realms of safety obviously .I was very hesitant about taking taking it onto land that i didnt know intimately but that was a long time ago .I now have the .243 and go where i need to but in hindsight, i feel the an early restriction would not have been a bad thing in so far as getting to know the rifle on home ground .Just my view mind and might not be yours .

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