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noisy pups.....

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so....anyone got any good ideas for curing noisy pups. i dont mean the odd yap,. i mean whine, whine whine, yodel, yodel, bark bark..... i have tried everything and am at wits end... :D not had proper sleep for 3 days, and i bet my poor neighbours are not too happy either!!!!!!...so any ideas.... :victory:

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Guest reload

I am sure you have tried most of these but here we go:


Radio on (radio 4 is best)


Big raw bones to keep the pup ocuppied


Try kenneling with a older trusted dog.


Largish exercise last thing at night to knacker the dog out (in relation to the age of the pup). Or feeding last thing to make them sleep.



In most cases going down to the dog, can be the worse thing as it gets attention for all is work of whining.


Is there something setting the pup off, noisy neighbours leaving for work etc??


You can use certain herbal medicines to chill themout last thing at night, this can help and is fine for young dogs, to get them started.



Good luck reload

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Quickest and easiest way to nip the problem in the bud is to get a remote trainer, press the button every time it makes a noise and shout "Quiet" at the same time. You can just use the noise setting so it gets a bleep every time it makes a noise, and work up to a low stimulation setting if it repeatedly ignores the bleep. It will soon learn to be quiet, as well as associating the command with the punishment . when the pup is quiet go out to the kennel and praise it, take it out for 5 mins give it lots of praise, then put it back in again and tell it to be quiet before you shut the door.


Of course this method only works when there is someone home to keep an eye, and ear on the pups behaviour. If your out at work all day you wont be able to train the dog to be quiet, so all you can do is some of the suggestions reload has given, and try the remote training on weekends, evenings or whenever your at home :victory:

Edited by SJM
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Got the same problem J D,had lurcher pups for over 25 years and my present one is the noisest

ever.Never before have I heard a lurcher pup howl,she just throws the head back and away she goes

howl howl howl.

The first night she was on her own she started at 2am,normally a raised voice and a cup or two of

water thrown from the bedroom window would do the trick,not with this bitch.

The more water I threw the noisier she became.That was 2 weeks ago,now she spends the day in

my kennels but goes round to Jimmys at night to lie with her brother,i'm not brave enough to

keep her here over night yet.

I have a radio in the kennel,also a cuddly toy[trying to represent another pup :hmm: ] and a bone and a chew.She isn't too bad during the day but she is out every 3 hours.


If someone had asked me this question before I had got this bitch I would have said throwing

some water at the pup would help,but I now know differently :( .


Sorry that i've not been much help JD but at least you know you are not alone,What age is your pup?

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Ive a litter of whippet/bedlingtons that are very noisey at the moment, im giving them bones and lots of different toys to try and keep them quiet. But i know how you feel about them making a racket, but they are starting to go to new homes next week so hopefully it will be quieter here next week.

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Right this is what you do here!!But be warned you have to be cruel to be kind,so to speak.When the pup starts its whining ect you go into its kennel and block its access back into its hut with a board ect,leaving it the run, all the time ignoring it.Then when it starts up again go back down to it this time armed with the hose and let it have a short blast and a stearn talking to.Now let it back into its kennel and wait.you will find you will have to repeat this a few times before the penny drops but it will.Over the years ive only done this once with a pup but it worked in a short period of time,better to nip this in the bud sooner than later or you will have to take the flack from the whole street and that would include me too if i had to put up with this night after night :laugh: your pup might have a fear of a hose in future but you will not loose its trust in anyway,best of luck with yer pup mate ;)

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great minds think alike....lol....... i ahve done everything you guys mention.




anti-bark collar,

cold water treatment,



other dog,

inside kennel,

outside kennel,


fresh meat hung up,

bowl milk,

fresh deer skin etc for him to rag,

walking him a good long way so he tired....... :icon_eek:


when im out with him he is a perfect dog.....but once in the kennel he is the devil himself.... :cry:

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Used a bacs...think its that name anti stress herbal remedy around bonfire night..worked well..bit of excercise, no drinking...bowl of 1/4 milk 3/4 water on return with a couple of drops of the stuff...well chilled.

Bit like the drink... you wouldn't want to much...if you wanted to be at your best.

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Dont know what your kennel set up is JD, but my sal/grey x bull/grey pup screamed for 2 weeks in my more inclosed type kennel runs, I then swapped him round to a more open 2x2 mesh cage type run so he could see everything and bingo!, quiet as a mouse (execpt when I come home)...........I figured he was a bright little pup and just wanted to see more stuff.........maybe I was right?


Let us know, be intrested ;)

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