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Can be worked or not?

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Obviously the odds are stacked in your favour if you get a dog from a long line of worker to worker, and even at times that kind of mating can produce failures.


However there will always be exceptions to any rule and i'm sure there are a good handful of well worked dogs that were bred of dubious ancestors.

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Going back a few weeks a topic came up in a conversation about working terriers. 1 of the boys can be argumentative at times reckons that - a dog wit kc papers cant be worked? And also dogs from non working lines wont work? What do u think?

kc dogs can work

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my mates borders work and they make it to crufts most years .. pet russell bitch turned cat killer at 6 year old from non working lines went to ground and worked like a good un -- tell your mate he talks bollox ..

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i was thinking about this my self, wrker to wrker more likliy to get a worker ok but say for example a kc bedlington bred to the hilt off show stock with no wrker back ground might be possible to work if say getin from a pup and shown the ropes a brought up the right way ?

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My cousins pat x lab bred from house dogs is a belter he him self dosnt hunt but the dog luvs it an [bANNED TEXT] he takes him for walks he just walks the paths having a spliff an the dog works the f**k out of the place just comes out with stuff an drops them by his feet an it's off again it amazed me [bANNED TEXT] I was out with them the area we was in hasn't got that many rabbits but it got 3 within an hour an a half.

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Away from KC, we had 2 workers that "accidently met", decided to keep one of the pups and has shown no interest at all (above or below!).. we have had some KC ones in the past, some have made it some have not but sadly we dont get our hands on these til they are fully grown and are proving a "handfull"!

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i have seen pure mongrel street dogs that would tag along out on a hunt when i was a youngfella go to ground and work like a demon ,often got into trouble from neighbours bringing their dogs back smashed up or sometimes the dogs wouldn't even come home

labrador x alasation used to course hares on altcar , we had a pack of mongrels as kids that would hunt anything :thumbs: people seem to forget these days dogs are dogs and given the chance in the right enviroment will revert to being a DOG

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Going back a few weeks a topic came up in a conversation about working terriers. 1 of the boys can be argumentative at times reckons that - a dog wit kc papers cant be worked? And also dogs from non working lines wont work? What do u think?


I honestly worry about the inteligence of many members "mates" reading recent threads where members "mates" appear to be thick as f**k........

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i have seen pure mongrel street dogs that would tag along out on a hunt when i was a youngfella go to ground and work like a demon ,often got into trouble from neighbours bringing their dogs back smashed up or sometimes the dogs wouldn't even come home

, we had a pack of mongrels as kids that would hunt anything :thumbs:

so did we .. had a couple of whippit x russell that would rat , bush, even had a collie in our lot that would rat .
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Going back a few weeks a topic came up in a conversation about working terriers. 1 of the boys can be argumentative at times reckons that - a dog wit kc papers cant be worked? And also dogs from non working lines wont work? What do u think?


I honestly worry about the inteligence of many members "mates" reading recent threads where members "mates" appear to be thick as f**k........

aint you got any thick mates :whistling:
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