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Guest Frank

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Guest Lurcherbitch

Hi Frank, I cant be arsed reading all reply's, but why dont you have the balls to tell her how you feel, instead of putting it on here :hmm: . (I hope nobody knows her) I am sure if you showed her this thread the desition would be made for you.

May sound harsh, but i cant cope with whiny men who profess to stay with women cause of the kids, Is it cause your too scared? dont be...it is tough to start again but us woman and the odd man do it all the time with kids in tow.

Life sometimes is a bag of shit but it is worse to be in a loveless relationship, than be on your own.

I wish i was your wifes mate....would love to hear her side ;) .

Make the jump mate or for god sake try and make a go of it :victory: .


Your not a woman i'd cross LB :tongue2:



My next job......Agony Aunt :big_boss:

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From my experience, and from watching others, its not you, you need to leave for, its your son.

If you stay and continue as you are it will definately affect him in later life. And he will probably end up.....

To be as you are now, be in a relationship he is totally miserable, and act as the under dog. You are his role models, you are how he percieves life/himself should be. You are totally miserable now, do you want that for your son for his life?

Or he may stay away from commitment, no marriage, no kids. Not wanting to end up like his parents.


My father left home, then returned, left home then returned...again and again, kept returning through guilt. He eventually said he would stay till i was 16 and could get a job and make my own descision about staying with the dragon. He lived in his bedroom upstairs alone, i would only see him when he came down to make himself something to eat or when mam was,nt around for about 8yrs and sure enough, left when i was 16.

How i wish he had stayed away the first time, and my last memories of family life would have been my childish rose trinted glass ones, and the fun times when i would visit him in his caravan, on land which belonged to lovely people with chickens and geese roaming around, not the atmosphere filled with hate and loathing i came to think of as normal.


As LB said, dont use your son as the excuse for staying, your son should be the reason for leaving.


It is natural to feel afraid when you are entering into something unknown. Every adventure brings its own fears. If one wants to live without fears one can live only in the grave. That's how many people live: they only appear to be alive. They are breathing, they are doing their jobs, but it is not life.


Life can mean only one thing and that is constant adventure -- always moving from the known into the unknown -- and finally, ultimately, a quantum leap from the unknown into the unknowable




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Guest Lurcherbitch

:icon_eek: Ok, im gobsmacked with all the responce. :blink:




Its been sorted and im ok, now worries. ;)



i think frank is saying politley enough said.... :hmm:



Well!!! frank should know we dont do polite :laugh:

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:icon_eek: Ok, im gobsmacked with all the responce. :blink:




Its been sorted and im ok, now worries. ;)



i think frank is saying politley enough said.... :hmm:



Well!!! frank should know we dont do polite :laugh:

you just couldnt help yer self could yer LB ... :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
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