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broken jaw

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Guest Eamon.Mc
Well, that is what my vet wanted at the time.


I would have thought protein for the healing process and carbs because they make you feel full and when you eat a high-carb diet, you want to sleep and sleep is the best healing process there is.


Could be wrong, though and no, Mr Smartass, I did not go hunting with my cat. I actually didn't want my cat to move about much, just rest and heal, it seemed to work and she went on to live a perfectly normal life, eating anything and everything and having abosolutely no problem at all.


Just my thoughts, so shoot me! There is always a smart-ass on this board and I am fed up with it.


You can't write anything without some tit having a go!

Well if you took the hunting with cats question as serious as that, I'm sorry. :blink::laugh:

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Feed him wet food for a few week's, see if it make's a difference, if not a good vet will plate it up and once it heal's and the bone callas' over you'll have no trouble with it again, :thumbs-up: I've had my jaw broken in 2 place's and this is how mine was treat,

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I would have thought that if the break is a few weeks old then healing would already have started, but not how it should: surely it now needs plating or pinning> or it'll not heal together properly at this stage.

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I would have thought that if the break is a few weeks old then healing would already have started, but not how it should: surely it now needs plating or pinning> or it'll not heal together properly at this stage.


Lucky had'nt realised what had happened to his dog or i'm sure he would'nt of carried on working it (remember a vet could'nt diagnose it) as soon as it's rested and fed easy food it will heal, although at this stage i would of been to a better vet for advice. :yes:

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When it happened to my cat, there was no bone to operate on as it had been eroded by the abscess. So the vet gave the cat a general anaesthetic and stitched over and over on the gum where the break was to just put the jaw in the right position and wait for calcification to occur.


It worked very well. She was a mid-aged cat and lived to be 16 in the end with no difficulty eating afterwards - though for about 6 months she was on a liquidised diet.


Good luck.

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Looks on the picture like it should be fine, a rest is all he needs.

I have had a bitch that dislocated her jaw middle of the season, she had a good long dig but seemed fine, morning after she got in a fight with another bitch at home and on inspection I noticed her jaw to one side, it got re-positioned and is now fine, I had a good strong lakey bitch that broke her top jaw at six and never worked again, should be fine mate but go and tell that vet he should have gone to specsavers.



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