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AAA shotgun cartridges

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hi guys just wanting to know how many of you use AAA cartridges in your 12g and what brand and weight you've found to be the best also what the spread is out at 35 yards also what size choke keeps the spread the smallest thanks regards benji

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Hello Benji.


I use ELEY ALPHAMAX 36g AAA in my single barrell baikal with extra full choke at 40 yrds I get a consistant 8 hits on a six inch circle I have tried this same cartridge in my semi auto but not as good a pattern as the single. I always use the single on the hill sides where longer shots a required. I find it hard to beat the AAA Eley.

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I've used a number of AAA shells through different guns, but there is one thing to remember when using both heavy loads and large shot.


Heavily choking a gun is all well and good until it becomes overly choked for the weight of the shot which will result in the pattern being "blown" i.e. not enough pellets in the kill zone because they have been distorted whilst going through the choke and don't fly properly.


I have patterned a few AAA's and found that anything over 36gr loads would be "blown" if fired through full choke, so the Express 50gr 3" shells in AAA would not deliver the best results through full, but my 5/8 choke (between half and three quarter) patterned them far better at 35 and 40 yards.


When you want to kill something the size of a Fox at what would be around maximum range for a shotgun, then you need to work out best way of getting the most amount of pellets in the upper chest and head areas and putting 50gr of large shot through full choke isn't the best way.


In answer to your question, if I were using AAA for Fox, they would be 3" 50gr Express shells through 5/8 or 1/2 choked semi-auto. I know with these shells and this gun/choke that on average 14 pellets will be in the right place at 35 yards.


Food for thought :thumbs:

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its a good thing someone knows the reason i was asking is i have the task of shooting two small roe deer so i need all the info i can get and before anyone says anything im doing it because i have no choice and its all above board

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