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pups on the mend

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since the pup broke her leg shes been in and out of the vets. casts changed, xrays, cast off, more xrays etc. shes been healing well and has had the cast off for a few weeks now. shes been on strict cage rest for 3 weeks and the poor thing just wants to play. im away just now and the missus sent me a couple of pics of the pup and my lab x collie and i cant believe how much shes grown in just over 2 weeks! shes taking the shape now and is looking lanky :laugh:


its her last visit to the vets tomorrow and hopefully she will get the all clear and then she can atleast be let out about the garden and house until im home in 2 weeks and then she will be getting walked. heres the pictures, a couple more and the first picture is from the day i got her. put a smile on my face and i cant wait to get home back to the family and dogs :thumbs:









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shes missed a lot of time that she would be running about because of her leg. shes definitley grown in the past couple of weeks. shes like a ping pong ball at the minute with 6 weeks of stored energy, soon be able to let her go :laugh: SPRING LOADED :yes:

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Vet said he's really happy at the way it's healed. Given the all clear to start giving her a bit more freedom and to build it up over 4 weeks or so.


Does anybody have any ideas of things I can do to build her up. Right now she's like bambi so letting her off just now would be dangerous with her leg. I was thinking slow steady walks on the lead building up to walking her off lead on her own so she doesn't jump

About with the other dog.


Any ideas appreciated. Cheers

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Stick to the previous advice given,lots of short walks with plenty of massage and encouraging the leg to stretch and bend,but only to the point of being slightly uncomfortable,massage and more massage,keep that leg warm as well if we get a cold spell soon as it will go stiff otherwise,don't rush and stay patient, p.s. a lot of bonesetters have their own version of a heat rub for doing this otherwise use a greyhound one,atb,WM

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  On 10/10/2011 at 16:06, Veedublee said:

since the pup broke her leg shes been in and out of the vets. casts changed, xrays, cast off, more xrays etc. shes been healing well and has had the cast off for a few weeks now. shes been on strict cage rest for 3 weeks and the poor thing just wants to play. im away just now and the missus sent me a couple of pics of the pup and my lab x collie and i cant believe how much shes grown in just over 2 weeks! shes taking the shape now and is looking lanky :laugh:


its her last visit to the vets tomorrow and hopefully she will get the all clear and then she can atleast be let out about the garden and house until im home in 2 weeks and then she will be getting walked. heres the pictures, a couple more and the first picture is from the day i got her. put a smile on my face and i cant wait to get home back to the family and dogs :thumbs:

well done for getting the dogs leg fixed i no most people wouldnt have botherd i bett that wasnt cheep eather mine cost £2000 for his leg off after the 24 hour vets kept him over night and did nothing and charged me £ 450 for the priverlige atb

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Alrite mate glad she is doing well and she looks great im doing very little with her sister she is walked a couple of times a day but is rarely of the leash and iv never got her of with the other dogs as they are very easy injured at this age . I would walk her short walks every day round the block or whatever she doesnt need anything crazy i just give mine obedience stay heel leave here fetch i also do alot of getting use top the ferrets about january ill start letting her see a few rabbits (my pup) and at about 10 months if she is right enough she will get her first kill i dont rush realy and wont truly start the bitch till next season where she will have some proper graft. Id take it even slower with your pup just plenty lead work she wont start bulking up until about the 15 month mark my mate has whippets and there not very well muscled there able but dont look much and could be better its down to his feeding he just feeds crap and about 3 times what i do i feed red mills racer about 3-5 ounce depending on the dog and plenty fish and other meats veneson etc and mine and like a diff ball game .


Heres her sister and the other pup im rearing on the now i took these last nite , we shall get them out together at some point soon even meet up for a walk and catch up when your back mate .

regards kris





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thanks for the comments. i would never have left the pup with a broken leg. doesnt matter how much the vets bill is aslong as the pup is in good health :thumbs:


no i dont have access to a slatmill/treadmill mate.


chris, your pups look like they are getting on fine. looking nice. iim feeding the pup harringtons (sensitive stomach or something) mixed with mince twice a day. its either chicken, turkey or rabbit mince and she loves it. she also gets any veg that we have made for our tea. she eats like a horse.


gonna take it slow like ive said and slowly build it up. cant wait to get back home as i havent seen the dogs for almost 2 weeks and she seems to have had a massive growth spurt.


definitley get out for a walk sometime. heres another pic i just got sent. pups looking out the window thinking 'why cant i go outside and have a run' :cray: soon be able to.


atb for the help guys


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