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Happy Birthday, Pianoman!!

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MY GOODNESS I DIDN'T EXPECT THIS..... :icon_redface: :icon_redface: :icon_redface: :icon_redface:


Thank you all, every one of you fine lads. I had a busy but productive day and a good dinner with my business partner and me dear old mum!



Apart from working in music, I'm also a professional military aviation artist of a certain repute. Put "Simon Atack aviation art" into google and images and you'll see some examples of what I do in the daytime, when I'm not shooting or gigging.


New website.


Is to be launched in November and we are busy building stuff into it. And we are working a lot with Flypast magazine, hence the meeting yesterday. So I'll get a "Birthday Shoot" another day. (Weather's pretty crap here anyway!)


I don't know what to say and Thank You isn't really enough.


But, Thank You, Gentlemen all, who sent such kind messages. It's really touched me.


...and Archie......... :blink: ..........Oh aye!


The very best to you all.


Simon X

Edited by pianoman
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Thank you Tony mate!


A great aircraft. I worked with a Buccaneer S2B bomber unit at RAF Laarbruch, Germany for a three-year tour, during my Regt. service. 16 Sqn. commisioned me to paint them on anti-shipping excercises in 1983 and I got to fly in the Navigator's back seat a few times! Amazing to experience that. I flew in a few Tornado GR1a too but, that felt as though it didn't have the physical grunt of the Bucc at low level. That was when we were truly a Royal Air Force to bloody reckon with!



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Thank you Tony mate!

I got to fly in the Navigator's back seat a few times! Amazing to experience that.


Simon, you lucky, lucky man! I'd ahve given an arm and a leg to do that! However I got to Burn my hand on the engine, when they flew a Bucc back home a good few years ago! (posing for a photo).

They had to bring in a ships arrestor wire and lay it across the runway because they built a crap load of offices at the end of the runway!



I flew in a few Tornado GR1a too but, that felt as though it didn't have the physical grunt of the Bucc at low level.

That was when we were truly a Royal Air Force to bloody reckon with!






Amen to that!

The GR1 was/is an awsome aircraft, but just couldn't match the presance of the Bucc :D

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