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dog missing easy runs

Guest vin

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just got in from a long very dissapointing night..


my dog was absolutely shite !


she has had lots of rabbits now...plenty of them..on her own and with other dogs running doubled up etc etc.


She is 80% spot on for the job and i am hoping by the end of this season she,s gonna be perfect.


But tonight she was rubbish..LOL. I struggle to get good runs local,but I still get out and about when the weather is good. I went out at 11pm to my usual local spots and a soon as i turned lamp on there was one in the beam...she missed it.. .it was a cricket pitch so its tricky running..but she has had them on there before so i know its poss. anyway she then went on to miss one that was inside some plastic fencing that only had 1 way out..it was almost like a little paddock,,she went in and rabbit came out and blasted off to the hedge. left her standing ! she should have had that one really..most average lurchers would have scooped it up.


So i moved onto another few fields..she missed another in a horse paddock and then ran over a sitter i was pointing her to and went off looking for something i couldnt see in the distance..by the time she came back to the sitter i was still holding in beam,she still missed it as it popped into the hedge..


So back onto some different fields..a big horse field full of prize ponies..but full of bunnies too..there was plenty on the field but its near the street lights so they can see you before you put lamp on...Anyway i sent her down the field onto one that was right out away form the hedge im standing on..she ran it into hedge and missed..them i lamped a few more from where i was..all of which she missed..probably another 3 misses..of which she should have had at least one of them.


so off to another field where they sit right out off the hedge....I spotted few maybe 150yrds off the hedge..so i got myself inbetween the bunny and hedge and sent her onto 1 that i picked sat there..she ran out to it and it started for the hedge as soon as she got close to it..she ran it all the way and missed it..she should have easy had the bugger..it was a long way to the hedge.

Then another one sat way out and the same scene..she managed to turn it before it hit the hedge and still missed it after a couple of twists and turns up and down the hedge..By now i was gutted and wondering whats wrong with dog.I checked her out and nothing to be seen..


I then continued this theme for a few more fields and she was the same all the way...just not quite quick enough and not as keen as usual..

In the end she probably had 10 good runs,she should have easy caught 5 and managed NONE.


She had 2 on the same walk the other night..but there wasnt as many out that night.


Im not being hard on the dog..because i know she can do the job..as i say she,s done plenty.. My only worry so far has been retreiving..So after tonight im a bit disheartened but not beaten..

I think she might be due in season..it could explain a lot.





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well 1st, give her a break, the moon up now so give her 2 weeks off. 2nd when you do go out again, go back to as its 1st night in the lamp. Iknow it can take long slips+ catch, but it aint.? So do as A with green pup ,walk right up to the rabbit, and drop the dog right on it, make sure that the dog faces the rabbit arse, so when it (rabbit) runs left or right, it can put its strike in.Do this for a few night let it get some rabbits in its mouth, then try few longer slips. this should get her back on track. :yes: Ray

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my bitch was runing well catching well then she started to go wide on turns missing him. she look ok .my mate said to take her to a grayhound man.i tuke her and he now with in mins of seeing her. sore hamstring and sore hock .he told me to massage the hamstring and put sum bone radal on her hock. and sorted her out. she like new will be use this man again well plz with him. cheers to mick c for geting me his number.

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i wouldnt worry to much about it at the moement mate, she could just be having a off night and not just that you cant always tell for sure whats going on in the beam. how many times have you seen dogs catch quarry that you thought they had no chance what so ever to catch but you have run it because there hasnt been much about, then on the other hand how many times have you seen quarry escape a dog that you would have put money on it being caught.

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thanks lads... i know my dog and you just know when summats not right.. theres deffo something going on.


as for giving up...not a chance..if you saw this dog when i got her to how she is now in just over a year.. you would understand..Its my personal challenge to correct someone elses mistakes.

A year ago she wouldnt even come to me for fear of another beating ( she,s had some serious abuse in the past ). So for me to go out and do anything with the dog has been a challenge from day 1.

I spent a lot of time gaining the dogs trust,and now we are almost halfway there as a team. by the end of this season she will be 90% sorted.

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  On 10/10/2011 at 09:51, trigger2 said:

i wouldnt worry to much about it at the moement mate, she could just be having a off night and not just that you cant always tell for sure whats going on in the beam. how many times have you seen dogs catch quarry that you thought they had no chance what so ever to catch but you have run it because there hasnt been much about, then on the other hand how many times have you seen quarry escape a dog that you would have put money on it being caught.



cheers mate..


I might take her up to see that bone doctor up N.E if Flints going up there.. I think she has something going on...she,s not running like she usually does..You know what shes like..last night it was like she had no 3rd gear and deffo no Turbo...LOL.

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  On 10/10/2011 at 11:12, Simoman said:

It happens, my dog ended last season(his first) going great guns and he has had a few nights out this season and looked shite but he has just started to click and look like the dog he ended as last season........



cheers Simoman...Funny thing is ...she ended last season looking hot t trot..and doing well.. and Ive kept her ticking over all summer,had plenty of august mixy pickings local..and she started in Sept looking very good..She,s had a good few already this season..and she usually runs like a good un... All i really had to work on was retrieving.. She was doing everything else i ask of her very well...thats why i was out last night...just fine tuning as they say one on one..lol. Couple of nights ago I was at same spot and she made light work of the same rabbits..LOL.


This is what keeps me interested though..its always a challenge and never easy or it would be boring.


by the way it was cloudy and drizzling nicely when i went out..the ground was soft and easy.. it was warm though... I had a bit of a dab on.

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