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Keeping hens in a back yard?

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You will need a good thick layer of straw or shavings: chickens don't do well on concrete as their instinct is to scrat about on the ground: it will damage their feet, not to mention the mess: ugh! as they crap all over it and tamp the muck into the concrete. Of course straw or shavings will also escape from the edges of the run: your back yard will never be the same again! Oh, and it stinks as well: I wouldn't have chickens close to the house unless it was just a few tiny bantams more for ornament than use.

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I would not buy that Jap crap coop. It will rot and once mite get into it then you may as well burn it! We have cold winters now, so you really need decent coops for chickens.


If your good at DIY, build your own coop and run, or get someone to build you one, making sure you seal all the edges. Having them on concrete is fine so long as you offer them fresh greens, grubs ect daily, something they would eat if they were out free range.


On the floor I would use horse bedding bales not straw. Straw is messy, clumps up, stinks, doesn't look nice and collects all sorts or nasty things for chickens to catch. If not lay down shingle. I've got some of mine on that, they love scratching that around looking for tiny insects to eat, it keeps them busy and fit!

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I wasn't planning on buy that exact coop, just one in that style. Now I'm thinking a rabbit hutch with an extra 'box' on the back side with a hinged roof, partitioned so they can lay in there. Wanting 3 bantams. I'm canny confident my DIY skills are up to that, and a few metres square of run made, but I'd plan on letting them wander the whole yard during the day.


I was just worrid they would develope foot problems with such a hard surface. Would slate do the job or too sharp?

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Bloody hell your getting ripped off your your gonna purchase that house/run, i bought a brand new one off ebay for just over hundred quid.. you can sometimes get them dirt cheap.. they aint that good either to be honest, I had to extend the run on mine, because it was tiny... defo not worth the money, could prob build something myself for that price and much better! and you can keep birds on concrete, but it be quite boring for them, put some bark or straw down so they can still forage.. :)

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I've several hen houses similar to that one, plus home made ones. I've had no probs with them apart from the odd leak on the odd one, easily sorted. Some are better quality than others.


The reddish coloured one with the planters on i found to be the best of the bunch, big and roomy and not very expensive.











You will get red mite, but you will in any coop....even plastic ones, and should always treat the housing and birds as though you have them anyway. The runs are big enough for small bantams, but mine get out (take it in turns) to forage through the day also.

The coops and runs are easily modified if you want to, you could make a wooden base (or buy a plastic tray big enough for the run) and fill it full of soil/sand.

Edited by Moll.
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I read somewhere about covering a concrete base in a thick layer of rubber crumb like shredded car tyres. It recommended a large crumb that chickens can't swallow and when it's time to clean just do as mentioned for shingle earlier, hose off and disinfect.

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