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people own working dogs to work them dont they

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a working dog should earn its keep,if you own a working dog and don't work it,your shocking and shouldn't own such an animal,you may as well call it mcvicar, cos you know it will never get out ,never get out lol seriously i know people on here that have bigged themselves up saying they know it all and bought dogs for more than the average and have never had them out working,why do people do this?i need some help on this because i just cant get my head around it

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poor dogs better havin a poodle or something else last litt i had will all get the chance even the ones who are not mad keen will get out as i wil help them along ,if i never worked dogs then i wouldnt bhave them full stop beter things to do in life

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total agree dougall ialways have gave min a hard training and working life nut lurchers make good pet as well as workers long as there walked and looked after beter than being left like in the feild like sum running lads do cus they dont make the grade ,also poeple unessery breeding lurchers litters are half the problem if people jst breed there dog [bANNED TEXT] the ready for one than thats fair enuff but alot of divies look at lurchers for the pound signs !!

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i wouldnt worry too much about what other people do with their lives once it doesnt affect mine.if people want to keep a lurcher and not work it so be it seems a waste alright but thats their choice not ours to make for them.and imo most of the well breed working lurchers will only go to working homes anyway.once the dogs are well cared for i cant see any problem.just worry about your own dogs pal (not a dig)happy hunting :thumbs:

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a working dog should earn its keep,if you own a working dog and don't work it,your shocking and shouldn't own such an animal,you may as well call it mcvicar, cos you know it will never get out ,never get out lol seriously i know people on here that have bigged themselves up saying they know it all and bought dogs for more than the average and have never had them out working,why do people do this?i need some help on this because i just cant get my head around it


poor choise for your analogy,, mcvicar aint inside,, he was released 30+ year ago,,

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i met a bloke of hear last year and if you never met him in person you would think he was bang at it he can talk a good hunt from "tails from his friends outings" his dogs do this and do that when the truth is known thay see and do f**k all... just get walked........spending a life time sitting in a kennel and walking round the block is no life for a working dogs of any kind ...........big or small... and i now each to there own but it is a shame working dogs deserved to be worked in my book ..... all the best x38....and hope your season is going as well as mine :thumbs:

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