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shotgun ammo

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  On 07/10/2011 at 18:13, b53hunt said:

what is the biggest heaviest sg cartridge you can buy for the 12g im currently using gamebore buffalo is there anything bigger with more punch thanks


What the feck are you shooting?

SG lay in layers of 3 in a 12 gauge, I'm guessing the next size up would have 12 pellets instead of 9. Why dont you drop down to special SG or SSG. Its pellets that kill.

It doesnt matter what you use though, if your aim is not good you won't hit the target.

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very funny no i dont own a taxi :laugh: i have got a problem with two very small roe deer i grow trees for garden centers and a rifle cant be used due to the surroundings and the density of the tree rows but they are costing me a small fortune i just want to have the cartridge that will do it once and kill them humanly the last thing i want to do is injure them thanks for the replies

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  On 08/10/2011 at 10:21, b53hunt said:

very funny no i dont own a taxi :laugh: i have got a problem with two very small roe deer i grow trees for garden centers and a rifle cant be used due to the surroundings and the density of the tree rows but they are costing me a small fortune i just want to have the cartridge that will do it once and kill them humanly the last thing i want to do is injure them thanks for the replies

Mate, I might be wrong but if you intend to use a shotgun on deer, then strictly speaking you should be using AAA, or slug of some description. From what you have said, the above fits the legal requirements to use a shotgun, but SG doesn't fit the bill in the eyes of the law, if you wish to remain legal.


I am guessing that there is some humane reason for this as well, which is probably the fact that there just isnt enough pellets in any SG cartridge to gaurantee a clean kill.

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well which is the best aaa cartridge that will do the job also my shotgun has a extra full choke will this need to be changed i also have a .223 rifle but as i know its an unsuitable caliber for deer thanks for your replies

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the place concerned a rifle cant be used i dont have an open ticket otherwise i would rather use the .223 so its going to have to be the shotgun or lose the way i make a living so i need some advice on the cartridges im a fairly big bloke i dont care how much it kicks i just want the biggest aaa so i dont injure them thanks for the reply

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Hi, if I were you I would apply for a variation to your ticket to allow you the use of solid slugs in your shot gun.

You an now purchace slugs that are safe with any choke.

They have a large margin of era for a kill shot, hence the German and frenh hunters using them for running shots.

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