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Freeze Branding Of Dogs

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One thing that occurs to me, if freeze branding becomes legal and we all start doing it, the brands are gonna have to be quite complex to be unique? Is this even possible? Even if just 1000 dogs are branded, that will require a 3 digit brand. Suppose 1% of those 1000 dogs are nicked, that means everyone will have to keep note of 10 brand numbers to check. Just not sure how effective it will be?.......


If only a small minority of people have their dogs branded I would think it would be VERY effective but if it becomes common place I could see it being a victim of its own success.....


JMO :thumbs:


On a similar note I personally think a detailed national servey of dog theft (particularly working dogs) would be of huge benefit to determine how to avoid and deter and where, if any, natonal 'hot spots' are.

surely you would have some paper with the branding and if your dog is found with your number your breed of dog you have a brilliant chance of geting it back and dog theiving scum maybe put off harder to sell on and harder to hide :thumbs:

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Well done that man! Please go for it: I'll contact my MP and would really urge people to do the same.   Do you think there would by any benefit it doing an article on this in the CMW? With a link

This is what I couldn't understand when I looked into this a few years ago: to me it makes no sense that you can do it to horses and not to dogs. I even contacted a freeze branding company, and we tal

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i think it's a good i deer and i will pout it to my terrier club to help


but who i do see as a problem is having the mark on the dog witch yes is a deterrent, but look at it this way you out working the dog's catch a rabbit sum one see you tack the number of the dog as thy work past and say you are hear coursing or fox hunting and all it's bring is unwonted tench-en with the r s p c a, police

and would you be going to get it past as every dog has to be branded or at the owners will or the same as the docking with the chip atb swag

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if your out rabbiting or mooching the dog is moving and it would be difficult to see the numbers clearly with dog moving around,, if person is walking past you and your wary of this, simply stand in the way of the mark or strok the dog or hold the dog in such a way that mark is not seen as they walk past.

i think its a brilliant idea, always pondered the idea of getting my dogs tattooed but once i heard horror stories of them getting cut off i was put off the idea, i know the same can and does happen with chips but all my dogs are chipped. i would love the idea of having the brand on my dog and in re to what it looked like,, well if it meant painting my dogs in orange stripes and blue spots to prevent this idiots from stealing dogs i would, its only numbers and letters in a relatively small area, its not on its face and it wont cover every inch of the dog, bloody useful i'd say!

be interesting to see what the story is in ireland, republic of,, and fingers crossed maybe france or similar will come up with the idea first.

im sure that white horses the hair grows back black once they've been branded and on dark horses the hair grows back white, true on long haired dogs you'd have to clip it from time to time but again, all sounds worth it,

be really good to see how this turns out.. any ideas who i need to contact to get the ball rolling in republic of Ireland?

good luck with the paperwork and let me know if i can help but doubt i can due to not living in UK anymore all the best fallow

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have recently tested a theory out on a semi feral whippet that was dumped in my area that im feeding until i manage to rehome it

i sprayed a bit of sheep marking spray on the back of its neck and so far it has proven impossible to wash off. it has been on her for over a month. obviously it would ruin a "show" dogs chances in the ring and wouldnt work on black dogs

but it would be dificult for a theif to remove and may render a pup or dog unsaleable and easily recogniseable

+ the sheep marker spray is dirt cheap to buy.

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Is that the spray on stock marker? It is quite good stuff, but does fade with time and I imagine that it would be relatively easy to spray over with another colour. A good interim idea though Gem, I will get a can next time I am in town...

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Is that the spray on stock marker? It is quite good stuff, but does fade with time and I imagine that it would be relatively easy to spray over with another colour. A good interim idea though Gem, I will get a can next time I am in town...

yep! it lasts a few months anyway.

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Perfectly legal in ireland to freeze brand dogs as a mate of mine who is a very well known worker of patterdale terriers recently got all his dogs done,cost wise it worked out around 10..15 euro a dog.Seeminly they swell for about 72hours then after that they are fine.Letters are around 4in in size and eventually come snow white in colour.

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it will not matter what you do to your dog to prevent it being stolen,,unless you keep it with you 24/7 nothing you can do can stop nany one taking your dog,,,its that old addage,,,if it aint nailed down,,,,"some one will take it",,,you can just hope that what ever method you choose to protect your dog is enough to deture the oppertunist.



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