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rediculously powerful?!?

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decided too invest in the lightforce 240 blitz variable one reason being that i source told me lightforce are giving up and the other reason that iv proberly got more money than sence :huh: but anyhow i use the 170 striker variable lamp which i do get on with perfect decided too give the 240 a blast tonight with the weather being perfect etc. and too cut a long story short it makes hares run like a dog on roller skates, it makes rabbits lie flat on the floor like cow shit but it topped it off when i noticed a little owl sat in the middle of a field and 70 yards later i was stroking it!!! is this lamp really neccasary? luckily i baught the variable there is deffanitely no way anything is going too get out the reach of the beam which is obviously good and it will be perfect too get my pup going in a few months time so i will deffanitely be keeping it but just wondering what your views are? is it a lamp for shit dogs? is it a lamp for young/inexperianced dogs? is it a lamp for big fields and long runs or is it just a really good lamp?


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I'd love to know how many people have actualy ran a lot of game, over a decent period with different lamps, to be such experts on which lamp is best !! Over the past 45 years, I've seen lamps improve

Lets not turn this interesting thread into an argument! What I'll say is, I remember the first time I lamped, with an old spot light off a car and a motor bike battery...we caught gear, but looking ba

i had a varible lamp blitz and i agree they can be fierce on a close run, but on big fields they really come into their own, i dont think they are for shit dogs etc, but if im only mooching locally on

i had a varible lamp blitz and i agree they can be fierce on a close run, but on big fields they really come into their own, i dont think they are for shit dogs etc, but if im only mooching locally on the small fields then the 170 does the trick,


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  On 07/10/2011 at 00:14, blackpack said:

i had a varible lamp blitz and i agree they can be fierce on a close run, but on big fields they really come into their own, i dont think they are for shit dogs etc, but if im only mooching locally on the small fields then the 170 does the trick,



agree mate like i said no worries what so ever that the quarry is going too get out the reach of the beam, and yes the 170 is a handy lamp too

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I would start a pup on a smaller lamp mate, lad on here and a mate of mine started with the blits and when they lamped with the 170 or the 140 the dog's could not see the game as well and struggled, i always start mine on a small lamp then when they are used to that move up!

but its only a problem if your gonna use a small lamp!

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Guest joball

Abit of simple advice regarding wiring, pull the red cap of the bottom abit of black tape rapped around the wire then under that a cable tie ! not rocket science but will save the conections inside getting ragged about and tugged on.



Ps i hope they don't stop making them, tracer are a load of shite compared to lightforce.

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  On 07/10/2011 at 10:40, graham4877 said:

I would start a pup on a smaller lamp mate, lad on here and a mate of mine started with the blits and when they lamped with the 170 or the 140 the dog's could not see the game as well and struggled, i always start mine on a small lamp then when they are used to that move up!

but its only a problem if your gonna use a small lamp!


yeh i see your point but the 240 blitz makes the rabbits sit alot tighter and makes them run like their on ice, and with my pup never being bred for rabbits the easier i make the rabbits for her the better so surely its ideal for my uses? just a question not having ago like,

i will be using the 240 blitz but ill be scanning about with the 170 calling in then once the dogs have been slipped that is when the 240 comes in so the 'quarry' cant get out reach of the beam


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  On 07/10/2011 at 00:04, mid.land.err said:

decided too invest in the lightforce 240 blitz variable one reason being that i source told me lightforce are giving up and the other reason that iv proberly got more money than sence :huh: but anyhow i use the 170 striker variable lamp which i do get on with perfect decided too give the 240 a blast tonight with the weather being perfect etc. and too cut a long story short it makes hares run like a dog on roller skates, it makes rabbits lie flat on the floor like cow shit but it topped it off when i noticed a little owl sat in the middle of a field and 70 yards later i was stroking it!!! is this lamp really neccasary? luckily i baught the variable there is deffanitely no way anything is going too get out the reach of the beam which is obviously good and it will be perfect too get my pup going in a few months time so i will deffanitely be keeping it but just wondering what your views are? is it a lamp for shit dogs? is it a lamp for young/inexperianced dogs? is it a lamp for big fields and long runs or is it just a really good lamp?



right im ordering one now! not even joking, fed up of my clulite, was good for last season as it was my first but fed up of it now

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  On 07/10/2011 at 13:17, ianh said:
  On 07/10/2011 at 00:04, mid.land.err said:

decided too invest in the lightforce 240 blitz variable one reason being that i source told me lightforce are giving up and the other reason that iv proberly got more money than sence :huh: but anyhow i use the 170 striker variable lamp which i do get on with perfect decided too give the 240 a blast tonight with the weather being perfect etc. and too cut a long story short it makes hares run like a dog on roller skates, it makes rabbits lie flat on the floor like cow shit but it topped it off when i noticed a little owl sat in the middle of a field and 70 yards later i was stroking it!!! is this lamp really neccasary? luckily i baught the variable there is deffanitely no way anything is going too get out the reach of the beam which is obviously good and it will be perfect too get my pup going in a few months time so i will deffanitely be keeping it but just wondering what your views are? is it a lamp for shit dogs? is it a lamp for young/inexperianced dogs? is it a lamp for big fields and long runs or is it just a really good lamp?



right im ordering one now! not even joking, fed up of my clulite, was good for last season as it was my first but fed up of it now

I used to use a clulight and thought it was ok till I got my 170 and there was no competion

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I disagree that the blitz makes quarry run any differently, also depends on the land you are working, if you are on small fields then the beam may be unneccersary but some of the fields i work it may be a mile between hedges................

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I use the blitz variable. If you're starting a young dog I'd say keep the power down to what you need at first. Too bright a light discourages young dogs from looking in the beam.

The beam can be narrowed to a really good pencil beam but again, with a young dog, keep the beam a bit wider and your pup is a lot less likely to get unsighted when the rabbit turns.

Once the pup puts it all together then you can let rip but even then I'd scan fields with weaker beam then blast up the power and move the lamp up and down (like a strobe) when I need to confuse the game and try to keep it from cover.

Edited by Maximus Ferret
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Catch rate seems to improve a good deal with the light force


Some of the rabbits we have lamped seemed completley disoriented and were easily snapped up


Also a few more kills were made when the rabbit had actually made it to heavy cover


Some seem to run as if unbalanced.


I presume it must be power they are putting out

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