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Just had a look in the taxidermy section but cant find much,i spose this is not proper taxidermy...........but what would be the correct way to clean and prepare an animal skull thats still got tissue on......would boiling and hydrogen peroxide be sufficient ?

Edited by gnasher16
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Yes it would,but,don't over boil it,what skull are you talking about?




Its a piggy wiggy.....does it matter what animal then ? what would over boiling do make it come apart or something ?...and how long is too long ?....thankyou sir.

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I've never done a pig head to be honest,but in all skulls there is some cartledge that is better to be left if possible,I would put it on a rolling boil for maybe 40+mins,and keep checking it(adjust as necessary).I am guessing that 90% of the meat has already been removed mind as this will aid the cleaning.Once it is cooked(so to speak)then you should blast it off with a pressure washer until it is perfectly clean,and then paint peroxide all over it and leave it overnight,and hey presto one clean and non-smelly skull.


Good luck and I want to see the end result..........Martin

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I've never done a pig head to be honest,but in all skulls there is some cartledge that is better to be left if possible,I would put it on a rolling boil for maybe 40+mins,and keep checking it(adjust as necessary).I am guessing that 90% of the meat has already been removed mind as this will aid the cleaning.Once it is cooked(so to speak)then you should blast it off with a pressure washer until it is perfectly clean,and then paint peroxide all over it and leave it overnight,and hey presto one clean and non-smelly skull.


Good luck and I want to see the end result..........Martin


Thanks for the advice :thumbs: .....all apart from the pressure washer !.....I dont know if i knocked it or was a bit too rough with a toothbrush but ive managed to dislodge one of the tusks,it come clean off when i hit it with the pressure washer,must admit i think just a normal hose would have done better but such is life......how could i go about fixing it back i dont spose everyday super glue would work would it ?.....also,how could i go about making it whiter its a bit stained and patchy....or would whitening it make it look unrealistic ?......also,any advice on mounting it ?....sorry for all the questions.....as for burying it for 6 months i dont have the patience for that but i guess it saves much of the nasty smelly work.

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next time clean out the brain cavity. and dont boil to long. clean off az much tizzue az pozzible and then cover ith cotton wool and zoak with peroxide. ..glue the tooth back in with rezin. ive seen folk use silicone for repairs. but havnt seen the rezults.

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I bury skulls for upwards of 6 months, got a couple ready for bleaching, roe buck, wild boar and a fox. & a badger just in the ground.

What else has to be done,after 6 months Waz? Do you boil it in bleach or leave it sitting in it for a while?

I hit a badger with my car last sunday.

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