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funny insults.......{clean}

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you couldnt pour piss out of a boot........with the instructions written on the heel

this ones not so much funny,, but it winds folk right up especialy whilst driving,,,, if someone has road rage with you,, simply blow them a kiss

are they your teeth or you wearing them in for shurgar

Your so goofy you could peel an orange through a letter box.


You got a face like a blind cobblers thumb


you look like 10 pound of shit squeezed into a 5 pound bag


you got a body like a land slide

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body of bay watch face off crime watch


You look like someone set fire to your face and put it out with a shovel


When you fell out of the ugly tree you must have hit every branch on the way down.

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"She's not bad from the back......................aye way f*****g back!!"


If sme one calls you fat just reply......"Of course am fat, everytime i shag yer mum she makes me a sandwich!!"


"i was exited as a blind poof in a hotdog factory!"

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You've got teeth like a row of bombed houses.


She was so fat I'd lay on top, slap the side and ride the ripples.


The best bit of you ran down your mothers leg.

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She's rough. Got a face bag of smashed crabs... :laugh:


Too dull to chuck bricks at..


Wouldn't know which way a lift was going if you had two guesses..


Only wears a hat so he knows which end to fecking wipe..


Next time the Dr tells you to exercise with dumbbells, go take a walk with your mum and sister..


That rough, even the tide won't take her out..


The first time I ever met her, I saw her shadow as she walked toward me I thought, "Feck me, there's a mob coming after us!"


Go take your face for a shite...

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