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Ferret Re-homing thread - Free to good homes ONLY

Guest Anubis

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i need to shift a few ferrets jills and hobs. whites and polecats.

some just 9 weeks old others older. also some last years kits.

this is due to a vasectomy that did not work. and i was swamped

with them. pm for more details :thumbs:


Had the same problem, ended up with 79 kits, plus the seven I already had. :laugh:

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I have 4 ferrets that I am looking to re-home, as my work is taking me to Brunei and i cant take them with me. They are a mixture of ages and are all proven workers from good working stock. I have

2 albino hob kits, Preston area. Both parents worked week in week out throughout the season accounting for good number. 

One Jill and two hobs, free to good home. Fed on flesh eggs and a little dry food. 8 weeks old now  from my best working hob and jill.

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Pair of unrelated ferrets male couple years old is neutered,came from working stock off here but Un worked

Jill unknown breeding as was a stray late season kit I took in .

Can come with the hutch if you want it's chewed one corner.

Rehoming as wife is going in for operation soon an I will have enough to cope with kids an other animals.

Located in Monmouth just inside south east Wales

Ferrets went tonight.
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I am unfortunately going to have to re home my girls. I have 3 pole jills 2 are related and one it unrelated all workers and from working stock. 

I dont have the time to get them out working as offen as i should and in my opinion thats not fair on the little monsters.

They will be going with a full set up il try to list everything but will miss bits.

3 jills 
10"x6"x4" run with large hutch
Another backup hutch
Bits for the cage bowls trays tubes ect
Travel box
Feild box
Locator and collar

All to go dont want them to go without as theve got used to lots of space

There all tame nip when hungry bless them but so do i haha

Not asking for any money all i want is for them to go to a good home.

Syiu will need a large van Or trailer to move all this. The cage does come apart into panels. But is all quite bulky.

Iv attached a few pics sorry there abit ropey but phones knackered 

Please only serious enquiries 

We are in Eastleigh, Southampton 

Message me for a contact number.





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Is there any silver hobs Anglesey Gwynedd? Trained but good with children (impossible ha?) or brought up around younger children so are tolerant of them. Or is there anyone getting ready for breeding season locally that can keep me in mind for a kit. Thank you!! 

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I've got 2 jills and 3 hobs I need to find homes for. I'm in East Sussex.

The jills are both almost 3 and were working fairly well, one albino and one polecat, two of the hobs are about 18 months old and one is from this summer, one is albino and two are polecat coloured.

I don't have the time to give them the attention that need and they're sitting in hutches bored out their skulls.



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