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Ferret Re-homing thread - Free to good homes ONLY

Guest Anubis

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I have 4 ferrets that I am looking to re-home, as my work is taking me to Brunei and i cant take them with me. They are a mixture of ages and are all proven workers from good working stock. I have

2 albino hob kits, Preston area. Both parents worked week in week out throughout the season accounting for good number. 

One Jill and two hobs, free to good home. Fed on flesh eggs and a little dry food. 8 weeks old now  from my best working hob and jill.

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Pale sandy jill free to good home. Well handled, very friendly, used to dogs and wearing a collar. One of last year's kits, been out a few times and bolted about half a dozen rabbits. Reason I'm not keeping her is that I kept 3 jills out of the same litter and of the 3 this one's going to need the most work - she's very reluctant to come out of the hole once entered. She's used to people walking around her and been brought up exactly the same as her littermates, both of whom come straight out of the hole no bother. But this one needs a lot of coaxing. I don't need all 3 so I'm taking the easy life. I'm not saying she's a skulker - she's only been worked on 3 occasions so it's too early to tell. Lots of youngsters start out like this and with a bit of patience work out just fine once they've had more experience. I was just going to try and find her a pet home but thought I'd put her up here first in case anybody wants to try her out - she's bred from good working parents so it's all in her genes. But I want to be completely up front so you know what to expect. I'm in Gloucestershire, 5 mins from Jn 13 of M5.

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