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Ferret Re-homing thread - Free to good homes ONLY

Guest Anubis

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I have 4 ferrets that I am looking to re-home, as my work is taking me to Brunei and i cant take them with me. They are a mixture of ages and are all proven workers from good working stock. I have

2 albino hob kits, Preston area. Both parents worked week in week out throughout the season accounting for good number. 

One Jill and two hobs, free to good home. Fed on flesh eggs and a little dry food. 8 weeks old now  from my best working hob and jill.

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wanted pair of same sex working ferrets in yorkshire and surrounding areas getting desperate now willing to travel.will also be after a kit soon if anyone has any ready in a couple of weeks

no messers please

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Hey, i should be taking 3jills on Friday, how ever I have been told one is aggressive. I have never owned ferrets befor so I would prefer to rehome her to someone who could give her a chance. If I could swap for a hob that would be brilliant but I wouldnt mind giving her away. New owner must collect, PM if interested.

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Hey, i should be taking 3jills on Friday, how ever I have been told one is aggressive. I have never owned ferrets befor so I would prefer to rehome her to someone who could give her a chance. If I could swap for a hob that would be brilliant but I wouldnt mind giving her away. New owner must collect, PM if interested.


A Location might help, I'd be interested depending where you are.

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Hi all I have 2 ferrets i'd like to rehome as I only need the other two,they are mother and son both very well handled and used to the dogs they have eaten fur and feather and she is around two and a half and he is about coming up for a year they are dark silver ish,I'm in leicester but will travel a bit to meet if necessary

would prefer someone to have both bit will split if needed,they have both been out and ran through warrens but neither are "workers" If your interested I could possibly put pics up,thanks...

Edited by web22
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