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whats your fears {phobias}

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Heights and the mother in law

I developed a phobia of snakes from my mother as a kid but ended up getting a job looking after loads so it was a phobia i HAD to cure, from being terrified of a corn snake the size of a worm to having a 14 foot reticulated python loose in the same took some work and effort but i got there...........I also have a phobia of heights and dentists......


As for fears as oppossed to phobias, well i agree with the above, water at night is scary, so is the thought of something happening to your loved ones, or terminal illness etc

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Horses and Cattle if i'm in the same field as them......unpredictable b*****ds!!


Iam with you on that one , as long as there a barrier between me & the animals I am fine , but if i am out & a horse appears I am quite pathetic :laugh:


I can't get anywhere near a horse anymore, I don't even like driving past them because I think they will spaz out



The only reason i have developed a phobia is because on a ferreting trip there was some hay in the ferret box & the horses in the field got the hay out the box & wrecked it , totally dismantled it , then they crowded round me , walking side on to me that was it , hyper ventilating , tears the lot, :laugh: i crawled across the floor to a second field where i spent the whole day sat in a ditch basically blarting , I am fine so long as there a barrier between me & the horse , i feed the stallions in the field across from me they dont bother me , its just if i have no way of getting away from them

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Horses and Cattle if i'm in the same field as them......unpredictable b*****ds!!


Iam with you on that one , as long as there a barrier between me & the animals I am fine , but if i am out & a horse appears I am quite pathetic :laugh:


I can't get anywhere near a horse anymore, I don't even like driving past them because I think they will spaz out



The only reason i have developed a phobia is because on a ferreting trip there was some hay in the ferret box & the horses in the field got the hay out the box & wrecked it , totally dismantled it , then they crowded round me , walking side on to me that was it , hyper ventilating , tears the lot, :laugh: i crawled across the floor to a second field where i spent the whole day sat in a ditch basically blarting , I am fine so long as there a barrier between me & the horse , i feed the stallions in the field across from me they dont bother me , its just if i have no way of getting away from them


I got kicked by a pony on Dartmoor as a kid, kicked me in the back and flattened me the b*****d. :boxing:

I was recently surrounded by a herd of bullocks whilst lamping they wouldn't move ended up have to clamber through a thick hedge onto a pathway got stung and scratched to shit.

Wouldn't say I'm scared of cows or horses but I've got a healthy respect, bordering on a touch of fear for them :icon_redface::laugh:

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I developed a phobia of snakes from my mother as a kid but ended up getting a job looking after loads so it was a phobia i HAD to cure, from being terrified of a corn snake the size of a worm to having a 14 foot reticulated python loose in the same took some work and effort but i got there...........I also have a phobia of heights and dentists......


As for fears as oppossed to phobias, well i agree with the above, water at night is scary, so is the thought of something happening to your loved ones, or terminal illness etc


Isn't fear of the dentist a recognised national pastime in this country? You lot are a bunch of pansies when it comes to keeping yer gnashers in order!

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I developed a phobia of snakes from my mother as a kid but ended up getting a job looking after loads so it was a phobia i HAD to cure, from being terrified of a corn snake the size of a worm to having a 14 foot reticulated python loose in the same took some work and effort but i got there...........I also have a phobia of heights and dentists......


As for fears as oppossed to phobias, well i agree with the above, water at night is scary, so is the thought of something happening to your loved ones, or terminal illness etc


Isn't fear of the dentist a recognised national pastime in this country? You lot are a bunch of pansies when it comes to keeping yer gnashers in order!


:laugh: I don't mind the dentist. It didn't even bother me when my tooth smashed into a million bits when they took it out a few weeks back and they had to use the drill & take it out bit by bit. I wouldn't go as far as saying it was a pleasant experience though! :laugh:

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My mate called the other day, asked me to go to the dentist with her as she was having an extraction and was scared. She practically hyperventilated in the car on the way over! I've got another mate who has a deep and abiding fear of the dentist's chair - not the dentist so much as his CHAIR.


I reckon it's developed into a genetic trait for Brits :laugh:

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I have a phobia of cattle f****n most unpredistable animals ever, dont mind small calfs but f**k them big beef cattle are the width of the f****n road!


I am not afraid of the dark as I like going out lamping on my own like whats there to be afraid of when you have and extremly powerful lamp lol

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I developed a phobia of snakes from my mother as a kid but ended up getting a job looking after loads so it was a phobia i HAD to cure, from being terrified of a corn snake the size of a worm to having a 14 foot reticulated python loose in the same took some work and effort but i got there...........I also have a phobia of heights and dentists......


As for fears as oppossed to phobias, well i agree with the above, water at night is scary, so is the thought of something happening to your loved ones, or terminal illness etc


Isn't fear of the dentist a recognised national pastime in this country? You lot are a bunch of pansies when it comes to keeping yer gnashers in order!



Possibly, i have good reason, dived into a swimming pool and chipped my front teeth, also did a face plant bmx'ing and chipped teeth, also had two root canals done and then had my wisdom teeth removed in hospital, they dislocated my jaw, and then sewed my gums together and my cheeks to my gums with dissolvable stitches, for the next week i was in agony.........so thats why i hate(fear) dentists :cray:

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I have a phobia of cattle f****n most unpredistable animals ever, dont mind small calfs but f**k them big beef cattle are the width of the f****n road!


I am not afraid of the dark as I like going out lamping on my own like whats there to be afraid of when you have and extremly powerful lamp lol


I share your phobia of our bovine friends. Many a mile I've walked to go around the weirdos.


Si, buck up will ya!

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I have a phobia of cattle f****n most unpredistable animals ever, dont mind small calfs but f**k them big beef cattle are the width of the f****n road!


I am not afraid of the dark as I like going out lamping on my own like whats there to be afraid of when you have and extremly powerful lamp lol


I share your phobia of our bovine friends. Many a mile I've walked to go around the weirdos.


Si, buck up will ya!



Buck up!!! Your scared of a walking steak :D

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