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whats your fears {phobias}

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big spiders

Big or medium size spiders feking ruin my life!! I cant concentrate or get my head back straight after being close to one and catching site of it and it really pisses me off. I would pay a lot of mon

Heights and the mother in law

I have a phobia of cattle f****n most unpredistable animals ever, dont mind small calfs but f**k them big beef cattle are the width of the f****n road!


I am not afraid of the dark as I like going out lamping on my own like whats there to be afraid of when you have and extremly powerful lamp lol


I share your phobia of our bovine friends. Many a mile I've walked to go around the weirdos.


Si, buck up will ya!



Buck up!!! Your scared of a walking steak :D


The dentist does not stare blankly at you, chewing away whilst telepathically communicating with the members of the Collective.


The dentist does does not (usually) weigh 600lbs.


The dentist will not chase you across a field and threaten to trample you (usually).


Cows are creepy!

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I have a phobia of cattle f****n most unpredistable animals ever, dont mind small calfs but f**k them big beef cattle are the width of the f****n road!


I am not afraid of the dark as I like going out lamping on my own like whats there to be afraid of when you have and extremly powerful lamp lol


I share your phobia of our bovine friends. Many a mile I've walked to go around the weirdos.


Si, buck up will ya!

I have a phobia of cattle f****n most unpredistable animals ever, dont mind small calfs but f**k them big beef cattle are the width of the f****n road!


I am not afraid of the dark as I like going out lamping on my own like whats there to be afraid of when you have and extremly powerful lamp lol


I share your phobia of our bovine friends. Many a mile I've walked to go around the weirdos.


Si, buck up will ya!

Yeah I do the same i hate when you out with the dogs and everyone is looking to walk through a field full of the fuckers and your like ` nahh i will walk around this way



another phobia of mine is barbed wire fences!!! grrr to whoever made that shite

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the police

lol,its not a phobia as such but i hate rats,and dont like flood water on a lake or water,ill walk threw it but feel a bit wierd.prob got something to do with driving a 4x4 threw a nulla or whaterever its called a concrete floor and banks thats tidal the water came over my side window in a typhoon and i shit myself the truck was slipping sidways as i crossed.i hate the dentist but happily go and sit and tell myself "try and hurt me" and put up with bad pain....and the old classic .a boy at primary picking a bogey and was gona wipe it on me until i punched the shit out of him.letter sent home,dad smacks arse. :cray:

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