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whats your fears {phobias}

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old schoolfriend had a phobia of needles, when we were having the tb test he looked over the shoulder of the person in front to see what was happening and when he saw the nurse jabbing someone in the arm he keeled over, they phoned his old man to come and get him and he said `is he still on the floor` they said yes, he said `stick it in him while hes out`

saw him again at a school reunion and hes still the same after 30 years, my own are heights, bees and wasps and gas masks

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big spiders

Big or medium size spiders feking ruin my life!! I cant concentrate or get my head back straight after being close to one and catching site of it and it really pisses me off. I would pay a lot of mon

Heights and the mother in law

Big or medium size spiders feking ruin my life!!

I cant concentrate or get my head back straight after being close to one and catching site of it and it really pisses me off. I would pay a lot of money to be cured of what is a genuine phobia, and why the hell am I so bothered by them when I know its irrational?? Can it be cured? I'm a big bloke and running round flapping and doing kung-foo on the invisible man at the sight of a spider does not suit me.


I have a terrier that will catch them on command- he can be lifted up to grab big ones high on walls too................the problem is.............he is getting old and the younger dogs do not react to the spiders at all in any way.............yikes!

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If I was in an enclosed space with one and it was actually on me I would literally loose control and have a bloody fit!

I was obsessed by them as a kid,used to tail them alive when ferreting,I was barefoot in a dark temple passage once and had hundreds all around me in the gloom,great stuff.


I think we have established that you're not wired up right in the head! :laugh:

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I used to be scared of spiders but I am nearly over it, couldn't pick one up but I don't mind them crawling on th ceiling etc.


But my claustrophobia is just getting worse. I went to my mates new flat and went in to a biggish cupbard thing in the garage for a 'smoke' and our hilarious other mate locked the door. Within 2 seconds I was ready to kick the f*****g door in. It's just pure panic and the only thought is 'get the f**k out!'. I can handle smallish space if I know I can get out.


Oh and I f*****g hate puppets, not sure it is a phobia but they really disturb me. I have to change the channel when the Dolmio ads come on :icon_redface:

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clowns and ventriloquist dummies,


Thats weird i hate clowns & dolls , i wouldnt say I am phobic of either but I just avoid looking at them , clowns especially , theres something rather odd about them & sinister , I just hate them ,

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Horses and Cattle if i'm in the same field as them......unpredictable b*****ds!!


Iam with you on that one , as long as there a barrier between me & the animals I am fine , but if i am out & a horse appears I am quite pathetic :laugh:

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Horses and Cattle if i'm in the same field as them......unpredictable b*****ds!!


Iam with you on that one , as long as there a barrier between me & the animals I am fine , but if i am out & a horse appears I am quite pathetic :laugh:


I can't get anywhere near a horse anymore, I don't even like driving past them because I think they will spaz out

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