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whats your fears {phobias}

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big spiders

Big or medium size spiders feking ruin my life!! I cant concentrate or get my head back straight after being close to one and catching site of it and it really pisses me off. I would pay a lot of mon

Heights and the mother in law

Mice.....just the way the little fuckers move makes me want to throw up....had a few in the garage last year,felt a bit of a jessie when the ol woman had to take charge :icon_redface:


how are you with rats?

cause im the opposite,mice dont bother me one bit,but rats make my skin crawl.id say that was my other phobia.really hate them

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heights and big spiders.. i have to kill all the spiders or i cant get no sleep. i used to have a reacuring dream that i slept wi my mouth open and one crawled in,


i got a mate scared of monsters, he doesnt like walking the dog in the dark unless theres people about. i think he watched to much scooby fukin doo

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heights and big spiders.. i have to kill all the spiders or i cant get no sleep. i used to have a reacuring dream that i slept wi my mouth open and one crawled in,


its a fact that the average human being eats around 100 spiders and beasts in his lifetime.they crawl in at night.

sleep well mate

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