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The guards often have no idea of the law and I could quite see a prosecution going ahead just because the accused didn't know how to fight it.

the wildlife officers and the guards done them for it if you go to greyhound data its on there.


I reckon the stuff on greyhound data refers to organised coursing where hares are netted and released in front of greyhounds, ie "park" coursing. I followed a thread on another forum about whether walking up a hare on permission was illegal or not. The evidence seems to say it's not illegal but the law is always subject to interpretation and so it seems there's now case history to say it is illegal. Those guys should have got a good lawyer and fought it IMHO. I'd have been happy to make a small cotribution to their lawyers costs and surely others would too.

It's a great pity that. I think we've all lost out there.

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they wont be the first and wont be the last pal ..... piss take

you get less for beating a human up,,, any facker who lets the kids fight for this counrty, must be mad,,, let counrty get in a right mess they diserve what they get,,,,,,,,,,,

I've just noticed this post. Well that's how coursing will be lost to us.

does the legal hare season not start the first of nov in rep of ireland.I could be wrong but our gun club rules state that they provide coursing of hares in slips from the 1st of november

it dosent say what date they were caught but states 1 of the hares was full of young leverts.

I've just noticed this post. Well that's how coursing will be lost to us.

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Just read it up here:- http://www.meathchronicle.ie/news/roundup/articles/2011/10/05/4006956-wildlife-service-hails-first-illegal-coursing-convictions-in-county/

The greyhound coursers have never liked lurcher men coursing.

Welcome to the new Ireland lads, where your hound can't hunt or kill it's natural quarry unless you join a club,buy a license,catch it yourself in a net first then muzzle the dog and do it all in front of a crowd. How f*****g stupid is that?

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Just read it up here:- http://www.meathchro...ions-in-county/

The greyhound coursers have never liked lurcher men coursing.

Welcome to the new Ireland lads, where your hound can't hunt or kill it's natural quarry unless you join a club,buy a license,catch it yourself in a net first then muzzle the dog and do it all in front of a crowd. How f*****g stupid is that?

then boys on here slobbering oh we killed 7 oh we killed 8 stupid f*****g men making the thing worse

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Just read it up here:- http://www.meathchro...ions-in-county/

The greyhound coursers have never liked lurcher men coursing.

Welcome to the new Ireland lads, where your hound can't hunt or kill it's natural quarry unless you join a club,buy a license,catch it yourself in a net first then muzzle the dog and do it all in front of a crowd. How f*****g stupid is that?

then boys on here slobbering oh we killed 7 oh we killed 8 stupid f*****g men making the thing worse

I've nothing against people match running though I've never been into it myself, even when I lived in Lincs and coursed the fens. Killing does with leverets in their bellies is always going to be hard to defend though.

Edited by Maximus Ferret
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I know the lads involved and their alright but if yer out in the summer then people are going to get pissed of and call gards or wild life rangers or who ever they can to stop yea.Out to day for a walk stock still out every where long grass and game not able to run whats the point.If this was in the middle of winter these lads would have got no hassle as they would probably not even have been seen

Edited by speedie
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I know the lads involved and their alright but if yer out in the summer then people are going to get pissed of and call gards or wild life rangers or who ever they can to stop yea.Out to day for a walk stock still out every where long grass and game not able to run whats the point.If this was in the middle of winter these lads would have got no hassle as they would probably not even have been seen

speedie when were these lads caught was it out of season.

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I know the lads involved and their alright but if yer out in the summer then people are going to get pissed of and call gards or wild life rangers or who ever they can to stop yea.Out to day for a walk stock still out every where long grass and game not able to run whats the point.If this was in the middle of winter these lads would have got no hassle as they would probably not even have been seen

this might put a stop to the big match speedie as you cant course in the north either. :laugh:

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I know the lads involved and their alright but if yer out in the summer then people are going to get pissed of and call gards or wild life rangers or who ever they can to stop yea.Out to day for a walk stock still out every where long grass and game not able to run whats the point.If this was in the middle of winter these lads would have got no hassle as they would probably not even have been seen

this might put a stop to the big match speedie as you cant course in the north either. :laugh:


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wait to ya see what hits the ditch now :whistling: :whistling:

brillant news maybe now all the shitting machines and bullshiters will pack it in maybe thats why so many yous on this site, its your luck all part of the hunting game, as for the match won,t be off on my part never, my phone on 24/7 speedie knows this i told him other day on phone he has my number balls in his court, as for lucas topics yous starting to bore people he,s my dog im not on here talking bout him so i,d appreciate it if you would give it a rest we,ve heard enough arguments on both sides you,ve had your say so leave it, worry about your own kennels i think a lot yous have a lot to worry about.

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wait to ya see what hits the ditch now :whistling: :whistling:

brillant news maybe now all the shitting machines and bullshiters will pack it in maybe thats why so many yous on this site, its your luck all part of the hunting game, as for the match won,t be off on my part never, my phone on 24/7 speedie knows this i told him other day on phone he has my number balls in his court, as for lucas topics yous starting to bore people he,s my dog im not on here talking bout him so i,d appreciate it if you would give it a rest we,ve heard enough arguments on both sides you,ve had your say so leave it, worry about your own kennels i think a lot yous have a lot to worry about.

you put that in the wrong topic gorger

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