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I am Currently finishing a course in Fisheries Management in Institute of Technology Sligo, Ireland.


I have previously tried to get into game keeping and was told to try and get some sort of qualification. I was unable to attend a game keeping course in the United Kingdom due to finance and this was the only course in ireland to do with any kind of wildlife management.



I also have completed a 3 day Gamekeeping course.


I help my local gun club in rearing bird and i carry out a lot og pest control for the local farmers.


Is there any under keeping or other such opportunities going so that i can follow it up.


Cheers for help



Edited by rabbiting
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  • 2 weeks later...

  On 15/10/2011 at 18:40, the beater said:


ignore that mate thats about as helpful as a ashtray on a motorbike..

im sure there something mate contact local keepers theyre the best people to ask...

underkeeper or maybe even a labourer of some sort.. we al have to start somewhere....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sure you'll have looked at NGOs website as gonetoearth suggested above - the menu on the left has "About Gamekeeping" and "Advice Sheets" - they're both worth a look. Also click on "Charitable Trust" to get to their educational trust website; the "Becoming a Gamekeeper" page has a section called "At College" with a "click here" option for a list of courses. You could also contact the Gamekeepers Welfare Trust - they run a job register for keepers looking for work and employers with vacancies to fill. And keep talking to people on forums like this as they're a gold mine of contacts and opportunities.


Not sure what you can do re the finance thing; certainly worth emailing GWT about. They're email address etc is on their Facebook page - if you're on, look for Gamekeepers Welfare Trust. If not, PM me.


Good luck!

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