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Corned Beef Curry

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think it was prob a inuendo,seeing as the show is based around scum lol

Corned beef is lovely with a bit of brown sauce, if you've never tried that then you've never lived....................

Obviously i only ever eat this when Winston hasn't been to Marks and Spencer and filled the larder but my favourite cold meat is thinly cut honey roasted ham, nothing better on a nice warm french bagu

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I did ages ago and I am english think these two just thick as f**k lol


is it that he's got you and scot mistaken? easily done if it is, I can never remember which ones which out of the chuckle brothers.

:toast: ....well done Rob......Thing is if your going to slag somecunt then atleast get the right person............... :bye: JUDGE :bye:

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I did ages ago and I am english think these two just thick as f**k lol


is it that he's got you and scot mistaken? easily done if it is, I can never remember which ones which out of the chuckle brothers.

:toast: ....well done Rob......Thing is if your going to slag somecunt then atleast get the right person............... :bye: JUDGE :bye:

how have i done that?

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right now that thats cleared up what about this cornbeef curry could it be done :hmm: I reckon the cornbeef would break down and turn into thick shity mush with curry flavour what you reckon

You know what is proper bang on in a curry.....spinach and brocolli! sounds a bit too healthy but it's fookin lovely!


corn beef is dog shit in a can, the only way it's even remotely nice is if you put half a jar of picalilly on it.

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I did ages ago and I am english think these two just thick as f**k lol


is it that he's got you and scot mistaken? easily done if it is, I can never remember which ones which out of the chuckle brothers.

:toast: ....well done Rob......Thing is if your going to slag somecunt then atleast get the right person............... :bye: JUDGE :bye:

how have i done that?

Cause you a grade A fud thats why................... :laugh:


Ulverston.........i think your right, it would become just a mush unless you just dropped it in right at the end of cooking in small dices................ :thumbs:

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I did ages ago and I am english think these two just thick as f**k lol


is it that he's got you and scot mistaken? easily done if it is, I can never remember which ones which out of the chuckle brothers.

:toast: ....well done Rob......Thing is if your going to slag somecunt then atleast get the right person............... :bye: JUDGE :bye:

how have i done that?

your mum used to tie your school tie too tight, blame her.

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I did ages ago and I am english think these two just thick as f**k lol


is it that he's got you and scot mistaken? easily done if it is, I can never remember which ones which out of the chuckle brothers.

:toast: ....well done Rob......Thing is if your going to slag somecunt then atleast get the right person............... :bye: JUDGE :bye:

how have i done that?

Cause you a grade A fud thats why................... :laugh:


Ulverston.........i think your right, it would become just a mush unless you just dropped it in right at the end of cooking in small dices................ :thumbs:

but i like scothunter :whistling:

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I did ages ago and I am english think these two just thick as f**k lol


is it that he's got you and scot mistaken? easily done if it is, I can never remember which ones which out of the chuckle brothers.

:toast: ....well done Rob......Thing is if your going to slag somecunt then atleast get the right person............... :bye: JUDGE :bye:

how have i done that?

Cause you a grade A fud thats why................... :laugh:


Ulverston.........i think your right, it would become just a mush unless you just dropped it in right at the end of cooking in small dices................ :thumbs:

but i like scothunter :whistling:



you can forget that for 2 reasons.....1, scot is a heterosexual.....2, he doesn't like lesions :laugh:

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