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anyone want a side splitting laugh???

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They might mean QUORN .Only fungi are killed .So thats ok

Isn't that a famous old Hunt in Leicestershire?


Your geography serves you well.... I pass it all the time when I'm loading out of Barrow on Soar



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Doesnt all meat come in shrink wrapped trays from Tesco's and the like?

Some people got no idea!


I thought the series 'Kill it cook it eat it' got the message over quite well as to how and where the meat we eat was produced.

The programmes had a wide range of people on them from 'normal' people, veggies etc I dont recall any real bad comments on there all 'respected' each others views.



Just another funny.

When out to dinner with my old boss and his wife she looked thro the menu and asked what fish they had, sorry no fish today was the reply. I ordered a rare steak as did her husband my wife ordered duck, 'Dont know how you can eat duck she said I have fed some on our pond all summer' Its just meat said the wife and I like duck.

Well I am a 'passive' vegitarian so couldnt consider it. She then went on to say 'oh well if there is no fish I will have the veal' I almost choked with laughter.

Edited by masmiffy
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I was once out on my shoot and a woman rambler from the nature reserve trail that my permission borders with, saw me taking my rifle out of it's bag and, as I was slipping my jacket on, she bounded over...;(Why do these buggers always carry a pack and a staff?)


"I bet you must be so proud of yourself. Off to track down and shoot some weak, defenceless animal!!!"


"On the contrary madam...I replied,


"I wouldn't know where your husband is or what he looked like in a million years!"


Left her fuming speechless. True story! :thumbs:




Class :clapper:



I would have used this version Simon


"I bet you must be so proud of yourself. Off to track down and shoot some weak, defenceless animal!!!"


"On the contrary madam...I replied,


"I am offering you a two hour head start, and I'll go that way if you go this way!"


or how about!


"You don't seen to be weak and with that stick you sure arn't defenseless!"




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That was as quick as my thinking could come up with on the spot Tony.


But I'll remember these you sent in! :boogy:It's bound to happen again on my permission.


Plenty of silly buggers like her yomping around our valley like they own the thing!.


Great to see you here again mate :bye::yes:



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