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anyone want a side splitting laugh???

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I was at a BBQ last weekend, Darryl, and had a very similar conversation with a woman who had exactly that mind-set. The only folk I'll take a little stick from is vegans (not veggies) as at least they've got the balls to go with their fecked up morals.

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Some batty woman once called me and my mate cruel when she saw us ferreting a permission on a caravan park. My mate laid it on thick & told her we were only after a bit of meat to feed our hungry families. She told us to go to the butchers, and with that a rabbit bolted into the net. My mate gaffed it, and as he was necking it grinned at her and said we couldn't afford the butchers prices due to the credit crunch and to take it up with the government! :laugh:

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I keep my defence of what I do short: every meal containing meat means something has to die. When I shoot it myself, I know it hasn't suffered and has died instantly, without pain and has lived a wild free existence.

Can the cheap chicken munching moaner have a leg to stand on? (obviously by cheap chicken, I also mean anyone who ever eats fast food chicken!)



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Someone posted this on Facebook and I just had to repost it....

I don't know what the original source is, but it just shows how thick some people can be





I know love; we are such cruel rotten thoughtless :censored: aren't we!


While we are about it. Why don't we just buy our petrol at the garage pump, instead of plundering the Earth's natural oil resources?


(Bet it was written by a mad bloody woman)


I give up!

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I was once out on my shoot and a woman rambler from the nature reserve trail that my permission borders with, saw me taking my rifle out of it's bag and, as I was slipping my jacket on, she bounded over...;(Why do these buggers always carry a pack and a staff?)


"I bet you must be so proud of yourself. Off to track down and shoot some weak, defenceless animal!!!"


"On the contrary madam...I replied,


"I wouldn't know where your husband is or what he looked like in a million years!"


Left her fuming speechless. True story! :thumbs:



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