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An hour out with my little cousin

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Got a phone call earlier it was my 10 year old cousin joe asking if we could go out shooting, he has just been brought an air rifle just a cheapie pcp, and to be used with adult supervision of course, so I took him out after tea and got his scope zeroed to about 25 yards for him as we set it up to 30 when he first got it , it was just starting to get dusk when we had a cruise around in the landrover, I saw a rabbit about 10 yards from the hedgerow and about 30 yards from us so I turned for joe to have the first shot and kill, "Take your time" I whispered and a couple of seconds later he squeezed and sent the little bugger to the ground, perfect head shot, I was dead proud so I thought I would put a pic up of us and his kill,




Thanks for reading Nick

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Hi Nick.


How lucky is that little man, riding round the farm in the Landy, memories like that will stay with him forever.

Brilliant shot too.....youll have to watch him mate, hell we will be dropping all your rabbits before you get a look in :thumbs::laugh:

Nice picture of you both, one for his hunting album :thumbs:


Cracking shot JOE !!!! keep at them mate :thumbs:








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Thanks for the replies lads, I just showed him him the comments and he's made up, he is super keen he's always out with me hunting or doing stuff outside, and yes Bill I was saying that to him not to shoot all my rabbits, it's almost tempting to zero his scope in about a foot high haha but I'm not that nasty, he's coming with me tonight but just taking my gun so I bloody hope I outshoot him else I will be embarrassed, I'll put pics up if I do well..


Cheers Nick

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