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night ruined by the fog,shit happens

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was all set to go last night,battery fully charged,dogs keen,decent wind,had a couple of hours to spare before lamping so sat down drawn the curtains and watched a dvd.film finished opened front door to check on wind and fog was rolling in :wallbash: so i thought i do a quick bit of research on filters and from what i read the amber one was best for foggy conditions,luckily i have one and would try it out in the back garden and it was just as bad as the white,it gave a clearish beem for about 15/20 yards which is pointless round here so i thought bollucks thats my night f@cked,so took the dogs for a walk instead.has anyone else had the fog cutting there night short while out or had planned to go out?

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yeh same as mate went out last night got to land dog was exited as hell then the fog came in from nowhere within 5mins and couldnt see two hands in front so packed dog and lamp back up and went home.

Tonights looking promising windy as f**k here and a bit of drizzel and all ready looks dark so fingers crossed its on.

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I was on my southern hunting estate last Wednesday. It was ok when I got there, but as soon as I turned the lamp on it was a total white out! Seemed to be very localised though. I got to one part and there was a clear field. Managed to get a decent dog fox, but he had strange scarring on the back of his neck. Shot 3 rabbits early the next morning. The fog seemed to distort the sound of the moderator, and they just stood there. All 3 down within 30secs.

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