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closed season

Guest freestate hunter cfc

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Guest freestate hunter cfc

just wondering what other hunting folks get up to during the warm season,i myself will be dusting down my fishing tackle and taking my dogs for long walks hunting free of course.another six and a half more months to go.

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  freestate hunter cfc said:
just wondering what other hunting folks get up to during the warm season,i myself will be dusting down my fishing tackle and taking my dogs for long walks hunting free of course.another six and a half more months to go.


same as



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on my land, there isn't really a closed season, on rabbits at least. its positively heaving with them, no joke, and we're poor as church mice, we've gotta eat something. bugger eating supermarket shite meat :icon_eek: , and i've not got much money for buying in feed. summer will be spent catching & shooting enough rabbits to feed my furry family. Gyp, being a saluki x grey throwing to the saluki side, has always been a bit behind other dogs i've owned, so a lot of work will go in on the training front, before he turns 2 in august and starts working hard, cos boy does it take time for stuff to get through that thick skull of his! :laugh: and i should be getting a terrier pup of some description, so i'll be spending a lot of time on training that too.


other than that, i'll be out with my powerkite & mountainboard, whizzing about any decent bit of open land i can find, if the rain holds off long enough & the wind ain't blowing a gale. nothing like getting dragged 200 yards on your arse or face in a force 8! :black eye:


oh, and the next 2 months have gotta be spent doing some serious house-hunting, as i have to move out of here by the end of may :cry: but i still get to come back & clear up as many rabbits as i need :good:

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Guest Frank

The odd mooch, teaching my whippet pup some tricks of the trade. :)

Some ferreting aswell, although not too much, as some of the farms have a problem with the bunnys.


Also, prehaps, if all goes well, might be getting a new coursing pup to bring on. ;)


My fishing tackle will be coming out aswell, love pike fishing and sea . :yes::victory:



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Going to bring my ess pup on for next shooting season....also looking for another runner.......plenty on....we will be still hitting the permissions when we can to keep on top of things


......................................pigeons on a balmy summer afternoons ploughing into stubble........thats always a highlight of the summer for me

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Hopefully catch a few sea trout night fishing.

I have a 10 week old lurcher pup

that will get a lot of attention throughout the summer.I'll also get out with the

air rifle which helps with the feeding bill. :)


The greyhounds keep me busy aswell,they race all year round.


Better not forget about my 3 boys,12,9 and 6 months,i'm sure they will have a

say in what I do. :)

Edited by tote
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ive got a tatty old boat in sussex, and i take the dogs on board with me and go mackerel fishing,its feckin fast and furious when they start biting,i used to hate fishing until i started doing this,its really good sport.the dogs love it, they luanch emselves at the fish when they know theyre being reeled in ,six at a time on the same line, 80 odd in two hours once,you can have just as much luck beach casting, its a good sport that will fill youre freezer in no time. :)

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Guest markbrick1

now the season is over its time for the shows :clapper: a bit of simulated coarsing and a lot of :drink::drink: what better fun could one have and its a good reason to keep the dogs in tip top condition

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