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More advice please

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Hello all,


I recently got some money for my birthday and am now in a bit of a dilemma.


Having recently visited my local gun shop and having a go with a few PCP rifles, (Namely a second hand HW100T) I am unsure on what to do; I can either spend some money on the old HW77K




look for a multishot PCP rifle and keep the HW for the odd outing, plinking and as a back-up rifle.


Unsure on what to do :hmm:


The HW100 is a touch out of my price range, I could probably stretch my budget if needed, but £600 is a lot to spend.


I have looked at a BSA scorpion T10 tactical-any good?


I would say that i would be able to spend around £400 give or take.

also, i have just joined the BASC, and have not received a confirmation email, Icarried out the transaction on line over an hour ago now, does it normally take this amount of time?


Sorry for all the questions and as always any help is much appreciated. :thumbs:





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Look on the forums, even better, go to Wakefield lad, get thee whippet fired up, feed it an extra black pud and head over to Wakefield, Redbeck are out there and they do some cracking prices, http://www.airrifleshop.co.uk/


you really want a word with these people before you go spending money, they have some cracking deals, if you do not believe me ask Pianoman!

Edited by secretagentmole
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