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A lurcher cross was started with a greyhound cross collie or terrier this started the lurcher cross but doesn't mean that the collie or terrier is the most important part of the lurchers breed because over the years lurchers have been improved by adding saluki for stamina and bull for strenght and toughness and adding whippet for acceleration ect so really all the different breeds in a lurcher are all important each to

there own



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collie for me, isn't that where it all started?

just about the statemant about the bullx if they had a enough they will run any dog regardless of it breed if you push it hard it will jack its knowing the dogs limits

collie a pleasant pleasing fun cross to have around you. saluki brain dead animal bull (serious )comes to mind. got to be the collie for me..

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  On 01/10/2011 at 09:40, baw said:
  On 01/10/2011 at 09:36, rocky1 said:
haha baw we would all have whippets ,were ya been anyway on the collie forums for the last few month lol


Pmsl rocky, I've been non stop at the sheep dog trials lol

thought so ,

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  On 01/10/2011 at 09:35, RM2508 said:
collie for me, isn't that where it all started? :thumbs:


Exactly mate. It started it and is still going strong. Its the most popular breed for a reason. Aye your saluki has more wind(just like there owners) aye bull might be harder(just like there owners think) but when it comes to brains(just like there owners... Starting to see a link here), training, ability, versatilty the collie crosses win hands down.

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collie cross will be a better pot filling dog than most on average with the right collie blood they have it all, my saluki type thing i have now is no where near as good at the same age as mooching picking game up, marking, ferreting etc He is however a lot quicker and has lot's of stamina to go with it. Never had any experience of bull blood though.. For an all round coney dog/pot filler i think the collie lurcher will on AVERAGE be the best but like it's said good and bad in all breeds?

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to me the collie cross is a base line for lurchers and they are the original lurcher and are probably the corner stone for many lurcher to lurcher breeds if you look back i,e minshaw lines and tumbler bred dogs weither it be beardie or border ive had my fare share of collie bred lurchers in the past and they gave me the start to my journey into the lurcher world as a kid i was converted years back to the bullx breed and i will say at the moment it is my choice of breed and is proving a veryhandy breed :thumbs:

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out of all 3 , i would say 1/4 would be enough for either x. Prob go for the 1/4 bull 3/4 grey . Ive had and got colliexs and dont get on with there temps,Bryn is hard work regards his temp, if he wasn't so good at rabbit game he would have( gone) 2 years ago. :yes: had and got bullxs but (do) get on with there temps :thumbs: ,saluki xs are great hunting dogs, but i could not get on with them. I nearly put a post on regards (temp or work) and maybe from this post the colliex is prob the best alrounder, but not to live with . And i think that is( more) important , as you not hunting 24/7 thats why i go for bullx.

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  On 01/10/2011 at 10:10, TOMO said:
bored again, are ya,,,, saluki, bla bla bla,, get a life baw, its is getting very boring now


Lmao tomo, you miss my Saturday morning baw bites admit it lol. Here btw, loved your groveling to the brick, that was a thl classic pmsl

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