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whats every bodys favourate ferret colour

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just got back in to ferretsso just got mi hutch and i am looking for a jill just wondering what colour ferrets are out there :thumbs:

sorry, should have been more constructive there! just forget about colour, it really doesn't matter! Just find someone who's selling kits from workers and get one of them....regardless of colour!

Prefer albinos myself,easier to see when out....

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One thing.   Yes i pick a kit that i like the 'look' of, i.e, how it is built, how it moves, it's confidence, how it feeds, how it interacts with it's litter mates etc. Not it's markings.   And wh

Mine definately get looked after as working pets, the kids love em there all named, ridiculous names too, and I do have a lot of affection for them. But I don't care what colour they are I've 2 pole

I was teaching children to ferret for a BASC young shots day, last week......... One of the young girls turned up with a blue rinsed, and a pink rinsed ferret.........   True! Matty

I have polecats,albinos, silvers, chocolate/cinnomen and 2 that are a mix between silver and polecats all work great. The only difference is I can spot the silvers and albinos easier when working :)

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lol why cant a guy pick a colour he likes ? I love all you guys who go , it dont matter, . but I bet you pick a kit you like the look of over one you dont. for rabbiting colour dose not matter but having a colour you like is always nice. So is picking up a ferret and playing with it. and giving it a name you like even if you dont tell the lads, who go home and do the same lol I have two silver, two poles and a very dark one. I would love a sandy and a bino at some point . As I have not had every colour yet its hard to pick a fave, but I do like the look of the sandys.:)

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Colours. . . .


Well it's a funny thing, like Jac says, whys can't a guy pick a fancy colour if thats what he likes? Go back a while though and how many working lines of silver mitted, chocolate etc ferrets were there? Even 10 years ago, i don't remember there being anythng other than albinos, poleys and sandys.


And there might be good working ferrets in fancy colours, i have a cracking worker who is a silver. But, with any animal we should strive for the best, and keep lines going, breeding best to best.


And a 'good working ferret' is a reletive term, just because it bolts rabbits and looks pretty does not make it worth breeding off.


You can't really deny that the colours crept in from the pet brigade.


It just takes a handful of folk picking the slightly inferior worker for it's colour to f**k up careful creation of a long line of worker to worker.

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