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insurance and weher to shoot

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hey guys i recently lost out on permission due to not being insured which sent me on an endeavour to get insured...


Are you insured to shoot??

who are you insured with??

how much a year do you pay??


do you find permission is easier to obtain once your insured??

and do you think schools and the likes of places would be worth an ask once im insured.... obviously when they are no children there ( mainly pigeon i was thinking)?


please reply guys thanks spot.me.in.the.dark

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Only an idiot would go out and shoot any type of gun without insurance.


BACS - British association for shooting and conservation - also has an airgun only membership/insurance section



CA - Coutryside Alliance



SACS - Scotish association for country sports



There are others but the above 3 are the big associations to join.


I and others would in no way recommend BASA (british airgun shooters association) membership as its not worth it.


Shooting in school ground is probably not worth asking for as the school will have to take a high morale ground against shooting on their grounds. I personally wouldnt even waste my time asking.

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Schools permission depends on the head teacher.

I've had permissions on boarding schools before I moved away. The Head in question also wanted to know I head 3rd party indemnity insurance (standard with the above mentioned organisations).

I was dealing with rabbits and ferals and ended up donating shot rabbits to their biology dept for dissection.


It is always worth asking with the right approach!!!


Best of luck,



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hi buddy


answer to question 1: yes! i am,its a must!!!!!


answer to question 2: i am with B.A.S.C, and very happy with them!


answer to question 3: £46.00 per year,air gunning only.is a pittance to pay for the year.


finding permission is going to be hard,unless your in the know!!

try asking at local riding schools or friends and family who have horses!


having insurance wont guarantee you shooting permission,but it will help!

it shows responsible shooting,and you are responsible person!


i don't shoot at any schools,and wont ask!

also your insurance may go through the roof,as its a public place!

i really don't think its worth asking!


but do try these place's


horse paddocks,


football grounds,

rugby grounds,

industrial estates,

business parks,

golf courses,


manor houses,

country clubs,

riding shcools,

Pig farms,


i hope this helps!


good luck buddy :thumbs:



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I and others would in no way recommend BASA (british airgun shooters association) membership as its not worth it.



I was with BASA for a couple of years :yes: managed to get 3 months extra for free because they failed to send me any documents and it cost me a few perms!

Eventually they sent me the documents after numerous emails and phone calls!

Then they offered me a discount if I set up a direct debit, cool I thought, they took the brass but I spent another year without documents :wallbash: So I deliberately did not pay this year! Guess what?

I got all the documents as well as free entry to AGW/AG comps (not that I buy them any more like) a photo ID everything for this year, and as for paying it, not a chance :feck:

I'm debating BASC or CA for next year :yes:



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Im with S.A.C.S. you never know what could happen its only thirty quid a year but a few places want a risk assesment done as well if it helps getting more permission you cant grumble

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i've just renewed with basc as i do some shotgun shooting aswell so it pays to go that little further as my alround cover also covers me for vehicles i use to and from a shoot and durin the shoot as well as one of the biggest public liability amounts i think its worth every penny of £66 a year :thumbs: have a look for yourself https://www.basc.org.uk/en/join/full-individual-membership.cfm

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