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over heating ?


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don't like hot weather? ferrets do not have any sweat glands and cannot sweat if your ferret overheats in this kind of weather it can bring on a diabetic coma where the ferret can froth at the mouth and die- if you HAVE to go out in this heat make sure you take a spray bottle and regally spray your ferret to bring there body temperature down and leave a few biscuits in the box so there blood sugar stays up or go out early morning or late evening when it is cooler

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I wouldn't dream of ferreting in this weather in the temperatures we have at the moment: 28C+


If you do go, then don't put them in an ordinary ferret box, they will cook. Use one of those cat carriers with a grill door and vents in the sides. Otherwise you risk killing the ferrets, with or without water for them.

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All went well as in ferrets ok but bloody mixy again we had 6 off some new permission 3 with mixy 3 clean we missed a lot more due to dense undergrowth we will go back armed with longnets but as i said good day out .

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