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Pup not interested

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  On 30/09/2011 at 11:46, redpat1 said:
  On 30/09/2011 at 09:45, Twitch said:
  On 30/09/2011 at 08:42, nottzhunter08 said:

taking her out with another dog should sort her out mate. i suppose it will be a boost of confidence to see another dog doing it, never had the probem myself good luck tho pal :thumbs:



where abouts in notts r ya? tried PMin u but it wouldnt work,


I am down in kent mate, if I was in Notts there probably wouldnt be a problem






That was to nottzhunter08 mate, but thanks

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I think you are on to something there Skycat with the cautious thing as while out walking our usual route someone had placed a cars hub cap against the tree, she caught site of it in her peripheral vision and with tail between legs legged it 200yds before I managed to get her attention. I know 100% sighthound are slow maturing and as much as I want her to work I have all the time in the world as she is my first lurcher and I cant miss what I havent had before.





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  On 30/09/2011 at 08:15, redpat1 said:

I took my pup (8 months old) out last night when I was on my permission, I was shooting bunnies as although not my preferred choice I am trying to keep the population down so I dont lose my it. I thought it would also be a good way for her to be introduced to the quarry as they are usually either dead or on the way out when I shoot them. I managed to pop one off and I walked her over to it to show her it writhing around for a second before I put it out of its misery, she looked at it then at me as if to say "what did you do that for?" We then moved on to some marsh land and I let her off as we were approaching the car and she went in to cover and then came hurtling back out and hid behind me and a bunny she had chanced upon legged it in the other direction. I know she is only a baby but she has no interest at all at the moment. I am wondering if she is a bit of a nancy, not that it matters as if that is the case she will still stay with me.

No harsh comments please as I am finding my own way in to all of this and dont have anybody to show or tell me anything. All Constructive and sensible comments are very welcome.





lev the gun at home,,,,have u ever seen some dogs at fireworks night,,,they go mental for a week,,,some dogs wont touch or look at dead game once its dead ,,and at yer feet


plus side she hunted up,,,,suprised if she might off been scared off gun earlier on ????,,,as usally if they dont like gun noise ,,,they run for the hill,s

Edited by whip x grey
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nothing too worry about mate usually helps taking out with another dog, my last pup wouldnt even look at a rat in a cage but the pup iv got now was happy killing rats at 4 months old, every dog is different it doesnt mean its goin too be better than yours because yours isnt showing interest at the minute, its only natural for you too have abit of doubt in your head at the minute and proberly will have until she catches a rabbit but one day you will be out and the unexpected will happen nd the pup will catch and kill the quarry and then you will feel like slapping your self for worrying all them months,

just keep doing what your doing buddy the pup obviously isnt ready yet, atb

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  On 30/09/2011 at 08:15, redpat1 said:

I took my pup (8 months old) out last night when I was on my permission, I was shooting bunnies as although not my preferred choice I am trying to keep the population down so I dont lose my it. I thought it would also be a good way for her to be introduced to the quarry as they are usually either dead or on the way out when I shoot them. I managed to pop one off and I walked her over to it to show her it writhing around for a second before I put it out of its misery, she looked at it then at me as if to say "what did you do that for?" We then moved on to some marsh land and I let her off as we were approaching the car and she went in to cover and then came hurtling back out and hid behind me and a bunny she had chanced upon legged it in the other direction. I know she is only a baby but she has no interest at all at the moment. I am wondering if she is a bit of a nancy, not that it matters as if that is the case she will still stay with me.

No harsh comments please as I am finding my own way in to all of this and dont have anybody to show or tell me anything. All Constructive and sensible comments are very welcome.



a lurcher never needs to be shown how to chase and catch, because its already in there, but she sounds like she needs her confidence built up, she feels more prey than predator at the minute,

the more predator she feels the more interest she'll shows in things,and at the same token the less flighty she will become


its like a scales, when one aspect of her personalty goes up, the other side decreases accordingly,

i would definitely work on giving her a focus for her energy, the reason i say this is, because her drive will be coming through and because of her slightly distorted view on things ,may come through as slightly distorted and irrational behavior,


she will feel a pull towards certain behaviors relating to drive,,digging ,barking, ripping ,tearing,etc especially if she is not expressing the main pull of most lurchers to catch and kill,,


she sounds sensitive and may not want to get up close and personal with tug play, but that is what she should be doing ,it brings out the dog in her, shy types have huge issues fronting up to the biggest predator in their lives (humans)and trying to rip an object off them, but stick with it,,it will grow her confidence in the predator mode,

best of luck

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Thanks Casso, it sounds like you have been a fly on the wall in my house recently. It does seem that she is very irrational and the things you listed are almost daily occurances.

The one habit I really find hard to deal with is that I think when she goes to toilet at night (she lives in) she seems to be picking it up and playing with it and it ends up all over the place which is a nightmare evry morning. I have walked her last thing at night, tried feeding her earlier, given her plenty of toys, no toys and a few other thing but nothing seems to stop her. She usually empties herself before bed and doesnt do it any other times of the day. Any help from you or Skycat would be a real help so I can get on top of it. Like I said earlier in the post, she seems to have a few issues but I have followed all advive and tried to raise her textbook.



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  On 30/09/2011 at 21:14, redpat1 said:

Thanks Casso, it sounds like you have been a fly on the wall in my house recently. It does seem that she is very irrational and the things you listed are almost daily occurances.

The one habit I really find hard to deal with is that I think when she goes to toilet at night (she lives in) she seems to be picking it up and playing with it and it ends up all over the place which is a nightmare evry morning. I have walked her last thing at night, tried feeding her earlier, given her plenty of toys, no toys and a few other thing but nothing seems to stop her. She usually empties herself before bed and doesnt do it any other times of the day. Any help from you or Skycat would be a real help so I can get on top of it. Like I said earlier in the post, she seems to have a few issues but I have followed all advive and tried to raise her textbook.



not a very nice habit Pat,,if i could take it back to the drive thing, distorted behaviors come about because drive is not been expressed normally, simple as that,


drive in a dog, broken down into parts involve ,searching,scenting,stalking,chasing ,pouncing, barking, pulling ,tearing or any number of other physical manifestations of canine behavior,,because one or some must come out in some form,,


a working dog gets to chase catch and kill on a regular basis,it is also very predator like,,on the flip side of the coin,take away the predator mindset and no outlet to express that drive energy through the kill and irrational behavior crops up all over the shop,

giving the dog a hard time over it, is completely pointless ,in fact it will only make the dog worse and as f**king crazy as a bag of monkeys,,


the most serious expression of drive is orally, think about it, the final act of the hunt is oral ,tearing, biting, its how he grounds ,


tug items in the back garden ,the park ,wherever it is,,are all the aspects of the hunt rolled in one, get a dog hooked on tug items and he will chase you ,jump at you ,grab ,rip and finally kill the tug item or so he thinks,,its all the same to your pup, because thats what killing will feel like to him,,


all the other f**ked up behavior will decline , if ya get stuck pm me but you can influence him much more than you know,,best of luck

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another very important point,,,Dont play with the dog in the house, EVER,,dogs make associations with their surroundings and if he sees the home as a play area,its hard keeping him calm thereafter bud,,

inside / calm, outside/ play, keep it like that and life becomes easier with the mutt,,,

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Top advice as always Casso, really good outlook on dog behaviour, I'll be using some of your tips and advice to help my 14 mnth old pup lose a bit of her nervousness, she's coming good in the field, I've took it slow with her and it's starting to pay off.

Redpat I wish you the best with your pup I can offer no better advice than Casso or Skycat have given you, but with my recent experiance with a shy/nervy pup I would say take it slowly, if you can take her ferreting that may help I started mine around the ferrets at around 5 mnths. I was lucky enough to have a mates experianced dog to show her the ropes just let her watch and she responded well, when first out I gave her easy slips walking right up to squatters and only slipping when she had obviously seen the rabbit. She's 8 mnths mate and it will happen be patient once she's nailing em you'll woder why you worried.



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Pat: the crap thing is easy to deal with: don't leave it lying on the ground at all! If the pup is nervous about crapping when you are watching (why would it be? another thing to ponder over!) then watch from a distance, round a corner. The moment the pup has finished crapping, call her to you, excited, have a play, nice time together, distract her. Then shut her in the house and clean up the crap. Doesn't matter what you might be doing, clean it up immediately.


It is easy to mess up a first dog: most people are always telling a pup "No!" "Don't do this, don't do that!" The pup learns that you are a negative force in its life, and that stops it from seeing you in a positive way. You should be the source of all fun, not the stern master who squashes the fun and energy from the pup.


Ah! Just seen you have kids too! Even more problems! Kids might be great in some respects, but they can also teach a pup all the wrong things: and they are the worst for messing up the retrieve!


I've sent you a pm.

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Thanks for the PM, I will be in touch soon, I might come up to the East of England a week Sunday (minus the pup). Jess isnt bothered about crapping in front of me at all, it seems to be in the small hours that she does it and then plays with it leaving a horrible mess for me or my poor wife to deal with 1st thing. The kids are not to bad with her, if anything she is a little to rough with them and trying to join in their games, I will add the kids adore her.



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