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First time sloe advise please if someone has a spare 5 minutes.

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Hi all I've read some of the other threads on making sloe gin and I understand most of the process In principle,but with the longer threads it all gets lost in translation lol. If possible someone spare me five minutes and jot down a recipe if it's not too much to ask,I have 1lb of slows in the freezer and bottles ready,which brand of mothers ruin shall I buy (gin) and how much would this amount of sloes make me.Basicly I'm in need of a full recipe and tome scales etc, thanks in advance I hope to repay the advice one day,or pop round for a tipple at Xmas

Regards 223

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Really easy. Get one empty 70cl (spirit bottles). Give them a good wash (any pub will have loads for the asking). Right with your full new bottle of gin (any brand will do), fill half the empty bottle. Put half a cup of sugar in each bottle and keep topping up with Sloes until you can fit no more. Screw the tops on and shake once a day for the first two weeks. Then leave until you can wait now longer, empty each bottle and refill one to the brim with sloe gin.


Job done.



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Cheers guys for the recipes

If You go for walks alot, most country lanes is where you will find plenty of black thorn I picked 3lb off one bush yesterday.even found a hedgrow hanging in sloes in the local auto supplies car park of all places.I never seemed to notice them last year as I wasn't really looking for them,but there is tons of them, I bet u have walked passed them and not noticed.

Atb 223

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Hey fella now i have a slighty different method i like to layer the flavours with a touch of spice and also add an amount of damsons to improve colour the additional tannins in damsons will add a much richer pink hue


1ltr of cheap gin

500g sloes

400g damsons

3 star anise

12 black pepper corns

1/4 of a cinimon stick

2 feathers of blade mace

750g unrefined caster sugar



place sloes in the freezer once frozen place in a thick freezer bag and smash with a rolling pin, this helps the juice extract and is much easier then pricking each individually. Remove stones from the damsons and quarter roughly crush the spice dd all the ingredients into bottles or jars and place in a dark cupboard, Turn daily for the first 2 weeks and then let stand for a minimum of 2 months. I tend to batch make mine in old ale barrels at the restaurant making 10litres at a time i am currently working my way through the exccellent november 2009 vintage haha it really does improve with age

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