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If You Can't Beat Them, Eat Them

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We’ve posted material dealing with the culinary side of our natural environment. And our last post touched on the hot topics of invasive species and ecological restoration. Time to mesh the two:


To the dismay of

, garlic mustard, and wild hogs everywhere, there is a grassroots trend devoted to tracking down, harvesting, and eating invasive species. All in the name of sustainability.


Take our fellow Virginian, Jackson Landers, for example. His soon-to-be-released book, Eating Aliens, chronicles his quests to seek, destroy, and consume any and every non-native plant and animal that walks, slithers, swims, or takes root in this great country. A lofty but noble goal, indeed. You can read more about Jackson’s efforts on his blog – The Locavore Hunter.


Similarly, our summer intern has spent his last few years at the University of Georgia reading, writing, and actively learning about goats and their use in the landscape, particularly those covered in invasives. His blog – Little Lebowski Urban Goats – is described as “a mildly academic study of several small goats picking up our landscaping slack in overgrown backyards of Athens, GA. Like a bad Jeff Foxworthy joke, with a permaculture twist.” Because the project stemmed from other passions – namely, urban agriculture and food connectivity – each goatscaping season has ended with a celebratory goat roast. An unconventional barbecue meat, yes, but don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it. He claims he’s entering blue ribbon territory with some recipes…


Depending on the extent of your non-natives problem, goats may or may not be a logical part of the solution. Regardless, give us a call; we’d be happy to lend our help. But be forewarned, Zach will talk your ear off about goats if given the chance.

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