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doubleing up

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ive run my dog two up from a pup and and im running my 6 month old pup as well its never hurt them they run well two up and i think its cos they have run from pup with other dogs and the dogs they run and have run with have been run the same so they all know what to do and work together as a team :thumbs:

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Jo i told you last night when we were out,   The reasons i dont run doulbed up is dont see the point in it, Its not like were trying too fill a quota for the game dealer ect, I like seeing one dog o

very rarely double up,but the odd occasion i do,then we ensure that both dogs are slipped at the same time in the same direction.Too many dead dogs from slipping halfway through a run! atb shushy

Guest born to run1083

edited to say above post you read my mind lol surely once your pup comes to adult hood malc1 he will be ran single surely, as on a rabbit two lurchers is over kill and arnt really being tested to the full, anyone can admit a doubled up anything is easyer to catch then ran single.

Edited by born to run1083
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I try not ot double up if i can help it mate i do double dogs up time to time depending on whats down the end of the beam and if im running a pup but when i think theyre confident enough to do the job solo i let them do it :thumbs:

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Guest born to run1083

my pup will be run single and double mostly double i know what my big dog can do and ill find out what my pup can do next season im not out to wipe out the world of rabbits so ill keep doing what ive done since i started atb

fair enough fella, how long you been in the game for then ? out of interest how long you ran then from pups from the start or did someone teach you lol heard you need to be very experienced to use this method lol pm if you like

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edited to say above post you read my mind lol surely once your pup comes to adult hood malc1 he will be ran single surely, as on a rabbit two lurchers is over kill and arnt really being tested to the full, anyone can admit a doubled up anything is easyer to catch then ran single.

imo its not always easier to catch things running doubled up. some dogs will push there self harder when doubled up and look good, but dont succeed very well as single handed dogs.

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Guest born to run1083

aye from the competion trigger2 is that what you mean doubled up, obviously only one dog can put a catch in but the odds do turn in your favour having two dogs on them surely. you are right tho mate when doubled it ain't always the best dog that gets the catches. the way to sort that is see them single like you agree that gives you a true indication to how good they are, do you agree trigger2 or do you think different

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edited to say above post you read my mind lol surely once your pup comes to adult hood malc1 he will be ran single surely, as on a rabbit two lurchers is over kill and arnt really being tested to the full, anyone can admit a doubled up anything is easyer to catch then ran single.

imo its not always easier to catch things running doubled up. some dogs will push there self harder when doubled up and look good, but dont succeed very well as single handed dogs.

That's very true often the fastest dog push the quarry away from the slower dog.

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my pup will be run single and double mostly double i know what my big dog can do and ill find out what my pup can do next season im not out to wipe out the world of rabbits so ill keep doing what ive done since i started atb

fair enough fella, how long you been in the game for then ? out of interest how long you ran then from pups from the start or did someone teach you lol heard you need to be very experienced to use this method lol pm if you like

ive got nothing to lose its my third season ive run three pups my two dogs and my beddie pup wich i told you about in a pm i think i was started by a lad i bought my first dog off and then i had to run my dog on my own and teach myself to lamp and bring him on my self i dont think you need to be experienced ive lernt by watching other people and learning off them and i think ive done well so far like i said im not out to wipe out the world of rabbits its great to watch the dog run and work and see how they change over the seasons hope thats explaned alb malc
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