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Mopping up.

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Due to the hot day that was predicted, that actually happened, I decided to have just a couple of hours mopping up, I have shot this little bit of Pheasant release wood a few times in the summer, it was rabbit proof fenced in the spring, and I was given the task of knocking the unwanted residents on the head. But the problem with whacking them with the gun is that you cant whack them when they are underground. So I turned up this morning with the arse nippers and lurcher to sort this minor problem out :D dumped the gear and had a walk round with the dog to see what was left and where it was. That done, it was time to net up, there were only two sound marks given by the dog, the first was fairly open as mini woodlands go, so this first ten holer was done with purse nets.

The only rabbit that came from this warren must have been sat inbetween these two holes, because the dog couldn't make up her mind which hole it was going to exit from, so she stood in the middle of both :D



For those that are interested, the rabbit bolted from the lower hole of the two :laugh: Out came the ferrets and the dog lost interest in this warren, and thats my cue to move on :D


I decided to longnet the next warren the dog had marked, in the grass and twigs that suround this warren is barbed and rusty rabbit proof fencing, and this can be a real grueller if your using pursenets as it stops them closing properly. So the longnet was run around this warren to save me going red faced and swearing profusely :laugh:






This is the dog watching me picking some crap out of the longnet, because I'm a perfectoinist :whistling:




The dog seems facinated by this hole.




Hey dog I said, are you onto something there or what?




Yes implied the dog :D




Are you sure dog? Yes, we dogs know about these things :yes:




Told you boss, wee just know :yes:




What are you looking at now dog? Just waiting for the ferrets to emerge :D




And that was how the outing ended, not a lot of mopping, but by this time it was scorching hot, even in the shade of this woodland, so it was time for the end of day shots :D






Team talk and de-brief :D




Keep at them folks! :thumbs:

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Great post stealthy hope the longnet didn't pick up to much crap was gonna go out today but to its hot for me


Cheers mate, Its already to hot here, we had planned on staying out longer yesterday, but the dogs tongue was hanging out by 10.30, so we gave up and drank cold beer in the garden instead, looks like another day on the beer :drink:

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