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Fallow Deer Stalking

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Hi all,


I hope this is the right place to ask this question.


Anyway, I am a hunter new to London and UK. Here in the city for graduate school.


A little bit about me: Im 27yo, grew up in a hunters family, I have been hunting in south east asia for mostly boars. I really am interested in doing deer stalk here in the UK.


I have been looking around and get a few prices from different agents. By far, I have gotten 3 very different prices for about the same animal (fallow deer).


Can any one give me a suggestion on a good price and maybe some recommendation for some good agents?

Or maybe some different way of starting my hunting hobby here in the UK?





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I've used this guy before. He's based in Bristol but has a lot of land to stalk over. I've only ever stalked roe with him and he's never failed to deliver the goods and works his nuts off for you. It's coming up to doe season so if you're after meat for the freezer it'll be a lot cheaper. His prices have always been very reasonable as well.



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