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pre baiting a spot before u lamp it

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just a question has anyone pre baited a spot with say a rabbit or anything really just up out of reach to attrack a few foxes in and then lamping lamping it would it work ? it works when fishing so anybody tried?

i no of a few lads do it mate but with rabit or a chicken the fox will just run off with it they tend to shred it into little bits and scatter it over a patch of field sometimes with a good bit of stinking fish or fish juice they do a fair few fox a season but not really my game :thumbs:

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you use a stench pipe, a bucket with a lid on with a dead rabbit or chicken in it, with a foot of pipe stuck out the top of the bucket, bury the bucket and the lid and put rocks over it, just leave the pipe stuck about 4 or six inches out of the ground, place it out in the open where you know foxes are about

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We had the same conversation when i got in last night, i put my rabbit on the gate post , my first of the night, when i came back 2 hours later it was gone, I am still new to the rabbiting game , but wont make that mistake again ! Where i live we have large numbers of foxes in a two our walk i very often see 5 or more , and lots of pigs , I have asked various gun men to take a look but to no avail , Mr fox has wiped out 30 of my hens, this is the worse year i have had with poultry , not going to bother to replace them, Hubbie has a gun but due to his health its very rare he comes out , but i did try staking a large joint of pork ( the deep freeze went wrong ) in our field , but nothing touched it . But they do come running when the dog catches a rabbit, cheeky buggers , and they do like the odd sheep carcass , Think i may try the rabbit in the bin , better practice with the gun first ;)

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We had the same conversation when i got in last night, i put my rabbit on the gate post , my first of the night, when i came back 2 hours later it was gone, I am still new to the rabbiting game , but wont make that mistake again ! Where i live we have large numbers of foxes in a two our walk i very often see 5 or more , and lots of pigs , I have asked various gun men to take a look but to no avail , Mr fox has wiped out 30 of my hens, this is the worse year i have had with poultry , not going to bother to replace them, Hubbie has a gun but due to his health its very rare he comes out , but i did try staking a large joint of pork ( the deep freeze went wrong ) in our field , but nothing touched it . But they do come running when the dog catches a rabbit, cheeky buggers , and they do like the odd sheep carcass , Think i may try the rabbit in the bin , better practice with the gun first ;)

get your sen a trap made mate u will get them where your hens r

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Was speaking about this at the weekend, new to the game so havent tryed it.


You looked at me like I was a right c**t when I brought this up, you had visions of me firing bits of rabbit into fields with my catty didn't you lol

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