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Lurcher and which Terrier?

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It's because they are easier to enter and harder to f**k up perhaps. . . . . oh and they are 'in vogue' so everyone and their brother is churning litters out right. left and centre. . . .

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Hi mate

A mate I go ferreting with has a patt which has been worked hard and by all accountants was a good earth dog ( diggings not my thing but was his) he's around 10 now but still comes out ferreting and he's a good marker and steady all day, he's a switched on dog.

I've got a jack russel which I got for bushing, ratting, ferreting ect and she does all of these things well and for work above ground she works well with my lurcher.

Good luck with your choice mate.

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I have a bullx and a patt but i will admit the patt is not used for bushing but what she is used for she does well and her and my lurcher make a great team. But i do also have access to a jrt that bushes n my mate has bushing terriers so i am lucky. Before anyone jumps on me sayin its the perfect symbol for a chav i didnt choose these dogs for looks i went on the breedin n there parents ability to work n lukily i av ended up with two dogs that i am proud of

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If you want a terrier thats bred from good grafting stock then you need to be be thinking about the going to ground side of things mate most terriers will work along side lurchers and vicer versa mate if you get a dog thats bred from 100 % digging stuff your gona have a dog thats gona have alot of interest in going to ground if you get a dog thats bred from bushing dogs youll just have a busher that may go to ground time to time ive got a russell now hes about 12month old bushes ok his mom was an alrite busher his dad was a digging dog so i was told its just what you want i do like abit of digging myself but its just a pain in the arse if you take them out with out a collar and they drop speaking from past experience mate :thumbs:

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If you want a terrier thats bred from good grafting stock then you need to be be thinking about the going to ground side of things mate most terriers will work along side lurchers and vicer versa mate if you get a dog thats bred from 100 % digging stuff your gona have a dog thats gona have alot of interest in going to ground if you get a dog thats bred from bushing dogs youll just have a busher that may go to ground time to time ive got a russell now hes about 12month old bushes ok his mom was an alrite busher his dad was a digging dog so i was told its just what you want i do like abit of digging myself but its just a pain in the arse if you take them out with out a collar and they drop speaking from past experience mate :thumbs:

Cheers Penda, defo dont need a dog that is gonna bury itself everytime I am out for a stroll. I will defo try and get dogs that come from the work that I want each one to do specifically. Good advice thanks, dogs look handy



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