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Badger Setts - How many in your area?

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Hi everyone,


just out of curiosity, how many badger setts are within your general area?


I know of nine active setts within three miles radius of my house. There may be more. Would this be an above or below average amount of setts for a normal rural area in Ireland or UK?

Edited by cúagusgiorraí
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Badgers dont eat bumble bees, hedgehogs, eggs, birds etc they are vegetarian. They have very sharp claws for digging and very sharp teeth to cut through the tough grass.   FTB

I live in South Wales. . . . you can't walk ten yards without falling down a bloody badger hole. It's getting silly now.

wow i didnt even know there were badgers in the british isles................. there you go learn somthing new everyday..............yis fellman

i shoot and ferret 10 places within 2 mile of me, and there is badgers sets on all of them. can walk wright up to them at night when shooting, to with in 10 yards. one of the farmers said they have see 23 in the field all together playing , they just no there safe at moment. still think there can spread mixy from farm to farm.

Edited by jocky
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to answer your post, to many, don't know why there's not more control of these pests ! they need management and culling like any other wild animal ! instead the goverment and all those f*cking things, (animal rights things ) should take a good look at them selfs ! the amount of pedigree cattle that as been slaughtered is disguisting !T.B. the be all and the end all of all this, badgers need to be controled and kept in check like any other pest ! P.S i'm off out with the lamp, ! a.t.b sfa

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the most potected animal in europe like a lot of species thay are protested against be ing taken killed or injured a by sec 1 of the act and thay are protetced against anyone attempting to kill injure or take them so you are presumed to be guilty unless u can show you are innocent bit f****d up that

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  On 27/09/2011 at 22:30, cúagusgiorraí said:

Hi everyone,


just out of curiosity, how many badger setts are within your general area?


I know of nine active setts within three miles radius of my house. There may be more. Would this be an above or below average amount of setts for a normal rural area in Ireland or UK?

id say thats about normal for ireland

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  On 27/09/2011 at 22:30, cúagusgiorraí said:

Hi everyone,


just out of curiosity, how many badger setts are within your general area?


I know of nine active setts within three miles radius of my house. There may be more. Would this be an above or below average amount of setts for a normal rural area in Ireland or UK?


Lots here, probably 4 or 5 times the number you've got there.. :yes::thumbs:

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I was training my dog to walk to heel why lamping so I didn't have to use a slip, but I come across badgers so regularly on one farm that I have to use a slip. They don't even run until you're right on top of them!! I know where the set it and it's absolutely massive, and there's another set about 300 yards away. The first one must be about 30 + entrances though, it's in a small wood in the middle of a farmers field and the whole wood is taken up by this set!

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  On 28/09/2011 at 08:51, moonlighter said:

When I'm lamping I will probally see more badgers than foxes. One night whilst lamping on foot (so only covered a few fields) I see 9 different badgers. I didn't see that many rabbits lol!

Same here, It amazes me how some people can actually believe they're rare!!

Edited by kenny14
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