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Getting soft in the old age??????

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Recently been getting the black bin liners burst open that i put outside. Put it down to a rat or a brave fox coming in. Well tonight i thought i'd have a wee look outside and there were 2 kittens there.

When i opened the door the both scarpered but 1 came back when i called. It looked hungry and even let me pick it up so they defo aint no farm or feral cats.

We live about 2 miles from the nearset town so i reckon some c**t has dumped them........... :censored:

So al have to nip to the local farms tomorrow and ask if they have lost a kitten.....if not the little b*****d will probably have a home as she we love it when she gets in.

So i've now done the wrong thing by giving it a bite to eat and a drink of milk and its sleeping beside me on the couch..........ffs!!! :icon_redface:

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Make a nice pair of novelty slippers with them.

That would be Scots wife..........she f****d off with the local African man and thats why he is like he is......................

Yes but i have a bloody rearing field to think about................... :laugh: Oh why didnt it just run away or scratch the f**k out of me.?

4 pissed of labs' might be a hassle too....... :icon_eek:

Anybody want a cat...................only asking £500 notes for it.... :D

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Funny thing is i grew up with a family cat but once it died i never wanted another one and i am slightly allergic to them............. :blink:

But when she sees it that will be it f****d, hope to god someone has lost a cat from one of the farms............. :victory:

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They keep the vermin down in my extensive experience, so serve a purpose. Downside is you can't feed the birds anymore, which is why I'm not keen on them. Down to the wife (and a soft rescuing kind of heart) we have 8 of the brutes. Not seen a rat since we got them though.

I have a few friends who knock cats off given the chance, but I make no bones about it; kill my animals, there will be retribution and it'll look like an accident :whistling:

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  On 27/09/2011 at 20:45, The Duncan said:

They keep the vermin down in my extensive experience, so serve a purpose. Downside is you can't feed the birds anymore, which is why I'm not keen on them. Down to the wife (and a soft rescuing kind of heart) we have 8 of the brutes. Not seen a rat since we got them though.

I have a few friends who knock cats off given the chance, but I make no bones about it; kill my animals, there will be retribution and it'll look like an accident :whistling:

Thats the thing i can see it keeping the mice and rats down which is a good point but realistically if it kills any of the birds in the rearing field then its dead, end off. I'll nip round the farms tomorrow and if its not theres then it looks like we have a fecking cat..... :censored:

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